Kale-Walnut Pesto And Parmesan Pastry Twists Recipe

Plate and tray of pesto twists
Plate and tray of pesto twists - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Holiday gatherings often call for simple and easy-to-make appetizers that delight guests without overwhelming the host. Amidst the usual spread of festive treats, these unique pesto twists offer a delightful variation from the norm. Traditional pesto, typically made with basil, takes a season-appropriate spin in this recipe with the substitution of Tuscan kale and walnuts. This not only aligns with the hearty flavors associated with colder months but also adds a nutritious punch to the dish. With a vibrant green color and all the flavor of basil pesto, this kale and walnut version makes a great addition to any recipe that calls for pesto.

The rich, earthy tones of the kale blend seamlessly with the crunchy, sweetly nutty walnuts, creating a pesto that is both robust and flavorful. When the pesto is spread onto flaky puff pastry that is baked until golden brown, these twists emerge as an unusual appetizer that's ready in minutes. Recipe developer Taylor Murray walks us through the steps for creating this easy yet scrumptious snack that your guests will love.

Read more: 26 Types Of Pasta Sauce Explained

Gather The Ingredients For The Kale-Walnut Pesto And Parmesan Pastry Twists

Ingredients for pesto pastry twists
Ingredients for pesto pastry twists - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

The twists themselves only need two sheets of frozen puff pastry, pesto, and an egg. In this recipe, we're making a kale pesto, the ingredients for which are Tuscan kale, walnuts, grated Parmesan cheese, lemon, garlic, and olive oil. If you find the taste of kale too strong, you can substitute it with half basil or parsley.

Step 1: Preheat The Oven

Hand turning oven dial
Hand turning oven dial - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Step 2: Boil The Water

Small pot of water boiling
Small pot of water boiling - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Bring a small pot of water to a boil.

Step 3: Blanch The Kale

Kale simmering in hot water
Kale simmering in hot water - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Add the kale and cook until bright green and slightly wilted, about 1 minute.

Step 4: Cool The Kale

Bowl of wilted blanched kale
Bowl of wilted blanched kale - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Remove, let cool, and squeeze out excess liquid.

Step 5: Prepare To Make The Pesto

Various ingredients for kale pesto
Various ingredients for kale pesto - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

In a blender, combine the blanched kale, walnuts, Parmesan, garlic, lemon, and olive oil.

Step 6: Blend Until Smooth

Bowl of green kale pesto
Bowl of green kale pesto - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper to taste, and set aside.

Step 7: Prepare The Puff Pastry

Roll of puff pastry dough
Roll of puff pastry dough - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Roll out one sheet of puff pastry on a floured surface.

Step 8: Spread The Pesto

Pesto spread on raw dough
Pesto spread on raw dough - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Spread the pesto evenly onto the pastry, leaving a ½-inch border.

Step 9: Top With More Puff Pastry

Puff pastry stuffed with pesto
Puff pastry stuffed with pesto - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Top with the remaining sheet of pastry, pressing the edges together firmly.

Step 10: Cut The Dough

Puff pastry cut in strips
Puff pastry cut in strips - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Cut the pastry in half, then across in ½-inch long strips.

Step 11: Twist The Strips Of Dough

Dough twisted in strips
Dough twisted in strips - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Twist each strip several times and place on a baking sheet.

Step 12: Brush With Egg Wash

Pesto twists brushed with egg
Pesto twists brushed with egg - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Mix a beaten egg with 1 teaspoon water and brush the twists with the egg wash.

Step 12: Bake The Twists

Baked pesto pastry twists
Baked pesto pastry twists - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Step 13: Serve The Twists

Pesto pastry twists on plate
Pesto pastry twists on plate - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Serve the twists immediately.

How Can I Make The Kale And Walnut Pesto Twists Vegetarian Or Vegan?

Twisted pesto pastry dough
Twisted pesto pastry dough - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

For those looking to adapt this recipe to a vegetarian or vegan diet, the primary issue is the Parmesan cheese used in the pesto. Parmesan is traditionally made with animal rennet, which is not vegetarian. Fortunately, there are several vegetarian alternatives to Parmesan cheese available in the market, which are made using non-animal rennet. These alternatives taste just like Parmesan cheese but are made slightly differently. For a vegan version, you can use nutritional yeast or a vegan cheese substitute. Nutritional yeast provides a cheesy and nutty flavor and is a popular choice in plant-based cooking for its flavor and nutritional profile: It provides a big dose of B vitamins.

Additionally, the egg wash used for the puff pastry can be substituted with plant-based milk or with oil, both of which will give the twists a golden color when baked. To make the recipe fully vegan without compromising the texture or flavor of the final product, always ensure that the puff pastry you choose is vegan, as some brands may use butter or other animal products. Many well-known and readily available brands of puff pastry, such as Pillsbury and Pepperidge Farm, are vegan products.

Can I Prepare The Kale And Walnut Pesto Twists In Advance?

Close up of pesto pastry twists
Close up of pesto pastry twists - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Preparing the kale and walnut pesto twists in advance is a great way to save time, especially if you're planning for a party or a gathering during the busy festive season. The pesto can be made up to a week in advance and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. In fact, this advanced preparation allows the flavors to meld together and actually enhances the taste. If you find the pesto too thick after refrigeration, you can adjust its consistency by adding a little extra olive oil before spreading it on the pastry.

As for the puff pastry, you can assemble the twists a day ahead and store them unbaked in the refrigerator. Make sure to cover them tightly with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out. When you're ready to bake, you can proceed directly from the fridge to the oven, adding just a couple of minutes to the baking time if necessary. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that the twists are freshly baked and crisp for your guests.

Kale-Walnut Pesto And Parmesan Pastry Twists Recipe

Baked parmesan pesto pastry twists
Baked parmesan pesto pastry twists - Taylor Murray/Tasting Table

Prep Time: 10mCook Time: 17mYield: 12 ServingsIngredients

  • 2 cups Tuscan kale, roughly torn

  • ¼ cup raw walnuts

  • ½ cup grated Parmesan

  • 1 garlic clove, peeled

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • ½ cup olive oil

  • Kosher salt and pepper

  • 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed

  • 1 egg, beaten


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F.

  2. Bring a small pot of water to a boil.

  3. Add the kale and cook until bright green and slightly wilted, about 1 minute.

  4. Remove, let cool, and squeeze out excess liquid.

  5. In a blender, combine the blanched kale, walnuts, Parmesan, garlic, lemon, and olive oil.

  6. Blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper to taste, and set aside.

  7. Roll out one sheet of puff pastry on a floured surface.

  8. Spread the pesto evenly onto the pastry, leaving a ½-inch border.

  9. Top with the remaining sheet of pastry, pressing the edges together firmly.

  10. Cut the pastry in half, then across in ½-inch long strips.

  11. Twist each strip several times and place on a baking sheet.

  12. Mix a beaten egg with 1 teaspoon water and brush the twists with the egg wash.

  13. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.

  14. Serve the twists immediately.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.