Kai Jones Sends Huge Cliff In Instant Classic Clip

What were you up to when you were 17? If you answered "jumping off the biggest possible cliffs on skis," you'd be in good company with teenage skiing phenom Kai Jones.

Watch as Jones tackles a mondo air last winter.

Gnarly! I think a Youtube comment under Jones' video summed up his massive send best, "How do i make sure my acl can handle that."

Honestly, not sure. Some people, like Kai Jones, seem to have joints of rubber. That's the most conclusive answer I have.

Remember when I asked, "What were you up to when you were 17?" Of course you do -- that was like 100 words ago -- our collective attention spans haven't gotten that bad. Yet.

Well, I think it's only fair if I answer that question myself, too.

When I was 17, I was also a skier, but my definition of "skiing" is a little different than Jones'. He's sending heinously large cliffs and appearing in ski movies while, at his age, I was farting around my high school ski haunt with a few friends, filming our endeavors on GoPros and iPhones.

"Farting around" roughly translates to frequently biting off more than you can chew on the mountain, occasionally successfully, often unsuccessfully.

Highlights for me included landing backflips and cliffs. Keep in mind, when I say cliff, I don't mean anything comparable to the cliff in the Kai Jones video you just watched.

Lowlights, which occurred more frequently, also included backflips and cliffs. These instances involved yard sales -- aka big crashes -- though.

But hey, if you're not crashing, you're not having fun, right? And boy, did we have a lot of fun.

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