K9 Dog's Loyal Dedication to Protecting Family's Newborn Is Going Viral

Clearly, this dog takes his job very seriously.

You couldn't ask for a smarter or more loyal breed than the Malinois. These dogs are known for being highly trainable and they love nothing more than being with their humans, as the following clip proves. It's just so sweet how this beautiful dog is already watching out for this precious newborn.

This video is going viral with over 8.8 million views and it shows exactly why @K9optima gorgeous dog Waffles is the best protector ever.

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Waffle is not letting anything get past him! @RoJoJames comments, "Waffle: " Of course nothings going to happen because I will eliminate any semblance of a threat on site!" @Lindsay hilariously comments, "Heck I don’t even think germs are going to make it past him." @Misskomorebi replies, "Bro can probably hear a spider coming."

This is just too sweet. We cannot wait to watch these two grow up together, best friends for life!

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