Justin Henry's Hefty Gap To Backside Grind: Behind The Clip

It's no secret we're big fans of Justin Henry's skating. Ever since his Video Check Out and beyond, we've been paying close attention to his output out of Columbus, Ohio.

Adding another check to the bucket list, Justin's now got a signature truck on Independent. Check it, with fresh laser-etching, it's pretty damn fresh. Oh, and he jumped on a gnarly backside grind to solidify the deal. Peep the edit from Indy.

"Hop on the session and go Behind The Ad with Justin Henry as he throws down a hefty gap 50-50 for the latest Independent Trucks Ad."

Freshly on New Balance too, the kit is lookin' proper. Looks like there was a nice mini Hubba to warm up on. The pros have to warm up too! A security guard actually rolls up before they can start, but luckily he gives Justin and the photog a 30-minute window. Damn, lucky day. As Justin starts to feel it out, it looks a little windy. After just one grind across and bail, the next try is a lock. He's got it like that.

Related: Video Check Out: Justin Henry

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