Justin Bieber Got a Stomach Tattoo

Justin Bieber Got a Stomach Tattoo

By Max Berlinger.

There will be plenty to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner this year, not least of all our, ~~facist~~ divisive President-elect and the crumbling union once known as the United States. However, there are other things to talk about — Kanye's in the hospital, the boycott of Broadway musical Hamilton (which certainly isn't being used as a distraction by our dictator-in-chief) and now, Justin Bieber's abs.

Well, more specifically, the fact that Justin Bieber revealed that he got a big ole tattoo that says "Son Of God" emblazoned on his stomach, right at his lower rib cage. It's an interesting bit of ink, even for Mr. Face Tattoo himself. The Biebs revealed the tatt at a concert in Bologna, Italy a few days back when he lifted his shirt mid-performance. Since Bieber deleted his own legendary Instagram account over the summer, we're depending on some social media footage from concertgoers, but, being the intrepid reporters we are, we've reached out to his favorite tattoo artist Jonathan "JonBoy" Valena for comment and confirmation.

(On a personal note, we'd just like to acknowledge that Justin Bieber's social media radio silence has left us empty at a moment where we want nothing more than time-wasting scrollable nothingness—just like the rest of you.) So, when your racist-leaning memaw wants to talk about how her "white nationalist" friends are really pumped from Trump's recent win, now you have a healthy distraction for the entire table. Thank you, Justin.

This story originally appeared on GQ.com.

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This story originally appeared on GQ.

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