Justin Bieber Is Getting Slammed on Twitter for His April Fools’ Joke

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

  • Justin Bieber “celebrated” April Fools’ Day with an elaborate (read: annoying) joke about his wife Hailey Baldwin being pregnant.

  • Fans are super pissed because they say Justin is being insensitive to women who struggle to get pregnant or have experienced miscarriages.

If there’s one thing we can agree on in this cruel, uncertain world, it’s that April Fools’ Day needs to be canceled. And the only proof you need is Justin Bieber’s antics on Instagram yesterday. If you’re one of the lucky souls who missed this mess, Bieber posted a fake ultrasound photo announcing Hailey Baldwin’s pregnancy to the world.

And just when fans had calmed down and established that this was, in fact, a stock image found elsewhere online, he went ahead and posted a picture of Hailey in a doctor’s office with her “baby bump” out. And just when fans had decided they were actually expecting, he went ahead and posted a sonogram of a golden retriever puppy who, frankly, is a very good boi and didn’t deserve this.

Basically, it Was! A! Mess! And now Justin is dealing with a ton of blowback from fans (I use the term fans here loosely, ahem) who are accusing him of being highly insensitive to women with fertility issues who may struggle to get pregnant.

If U thought it was April fools

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Apr 1, 2019 at 1:24pm PDT

Tweets in response to Justin’s “joke” range from “This type of shit isn’t funny....For all of you that are fans, JUSTIN BIEBER IS OFFICIALLY CANCELED” to “No thought whatsoever of the 1 in 4 women who have miscarried and the 1 in 8 who are infertile and can’t have children at all? I don’t see the humor in that, to be honest.”

Justin doesn’t appear to have responded to the backlash yet, but look out for an Instagram clapback, because he’s been pretty chatty on social media lately.

Follow Mehera on Instagram.

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