Justin Bieber Feels "Empty and Confused" and Like Something Is "Missing" from His Life

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Justin Bieber was literally spotted weeping at a Harry Potter-themed bar while drinking Butterbeer the other night, so NO, he does NOT seem to be okay. But what, exactly, is wrong with our beloved Bieber, who recently got married and seems to have a pretty lit life? Unclear, but apparently he thinks something's "missing" from his world.

"Justin has his up and down days like everyone else," a source tells People. "What he struggles with mostly is that he knows he is beyond blessed, but he has days when he feels empty and confused." MY HEART IS BREAKING. But wait, there's more.

"He feels something is missing from his life that can’t be bought. It’s a missing feeling of happiness," the source says. "He is very much grateful for his amazing life and especially for Hailey. It’s difficult for him that he can’t just enjoy everything and feel happy. He has been in treatment for this before."

This is all extremely :( so here's to hoping our buddy Bieber starts feeling better soon.

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