Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran's Dizzying New Music Video for 'I Don't Care' Features Lots of Corn-on-the-Cob

First, there was ketchup-flavored gelato. Then there was burrito-gate. Then that bizarre Beyoncé photoshop pic.

Needless to say, things just keep getting weirder in the world of Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber, and their newest music video is no different. The musicians released their "I Don't Care" video on Friday, and it's a green-screen pop-music fever dream.

There's laser-eyed cats, Bieber in a corn-on-the-cob suit, Sheeran as a giant panda, a half-unicorn half-ice-cream-cone character, neon cartoon backdrops, all while the eye-popping visuals beat out-of-time to the rhythm of what's bound to be the anthem of summer.

The trippy video does a good job of being "extra" in every way, making use of viral meme culture to present some extremely bizarre green-screen mashups. While it's sorta giving us a headache, it does remind us of something out of Rick and Morty, so it's got that going for it...

And this isn't a blip in some surreal vacuum. During Coachella in April, Bieber announced he's been working on another album that's "coming soon," according to Rolling Stone.

It's official: We hate the internet; we tolerate this song. (OK, it's a jam. But don't tell anyone we said so.)

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