Justin Bieber Called Hailey Baldwin His 'Wife' and Is 'Too In Love' for a Postnup

Photo credit: Ricky Vigil M
Photo credit: Ricky Vigil M


Justin Bieber appeared to make his exact relationship status with Hailey Baldwin crystal clear while out at the Stratford Perth Museum on Monday. Bieber was visiting the museum's exhibit about him (as one does), and Baldwin signed the wall. "I love you forever," Baldwin wrote. And Bieber apparently called her his wife while there.

In a comment on the museum's post, the Stratford Perth Museum wrote that "Justin very graciously introduced Hailey as his wife. Perhaps just a term of endearment? We loved their visit."

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Likely not just a pet name! TMZ, the one outlet that resisted calling Jailey married for weeks despite People's report they were, conceded today that People was right. Baldwin and Bieber did indeed get married at New York City's Marriage Bureau last month and "for some reason, they chose to lie about it," TMZ wrote, perhaps revealing that the two were TMZ's sources or that they lied to the "sources connected to the couple" who talked to TMZ for its initial report.

Apparently Jailey reached out to their lawyers the day they got married about getting a prenup, TMZ added, but nothing could be written up and signed that fast. That's consistent with what The Sun reported the day after they got married. A source told the outlet then that “they didn’t tell anyone on their teams what was going on and his people have been frantically trying to get his business affairs and finances in order."

They can still do a postnup, which does the same thing legally, but at this point, there's been no action on getting one signed. A source told TMZ that Bieber "is so in love he doesn’t see the need for one." His net worth is estimated to be approximately $265 million, while Baldwin is estimated to be worth $2 million.

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