16 Things That Are Legal But Should Really At LEAST Get You Ostracized, If Not Jailed

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Recently, u/ArpanMondal270 took to Reddit to ask, "What is perfectly legal but creepy as hell?" and people's answers were making me shudder.

1."Making those websites that count down to (usually female) celebrities turning 18."

Paris Hilton grimacing

2."Divorce lawyer here: people fighting like mad to get the dog in the divorce, and then turning it over to a shelter out of spite. Now in California, there can be SERIOUS consequences for doing that due to recent law changes about pets and divorce, but it wasn't always that way."


3."Following people on the street for extended periods of time."

A city street

4."I babysat for this couple who had a 3- and 6-year-old. They both still breastfed. They were pretty normal otherwise...but seeing that 6-year-old pull down her mother’s shirt and latch was creepy."

Close-up of person looking disapproving

5."Rummaging through your neighbor's garbage once it's on the curb for pickup."


6.And similarly: "Sifting through others' trash to collect DNA evidence."



Lady Gaga sipping tea in her "Paparazzi" music video with Alexander Skarsgård sitting next to her

8."In the USA, if you are on a public sidewalk, you can film through people’s windows into their house. There is no expectation of privacy for anything that can be viewed from a public space. If you want the inside of your home to be truly private, close your windows."

People walking on a city street

9."Standing on your own front porch and not moving at 3 a.m."


10."The practice of online data tracking and targeted advertising. In the digital age, many companies and websites collect vast amounts of data about users' online activities, such as their browsing habits, interests, and even location. This data is then used to create detailed user profiles, which are then sold to advertisers to deliver personalized ads. While this practice is legal and widely used, people should know that every move online is being monitored and analyzed for marketing purposes."

The outline of a lock over a cellphone screen

11.More on that: "Data brokering. That your personal identifiable information can be bought, sold, and exploited more or less beyond your control for profit. Children below the age of consent are pre-allocated marketing and targeting profiles before they can even spell the word 'privacy.' Privacy should be the default, and it's not even opt-in anymore."


12."Being able to buy a life insurance policy on someone else without letting them know."

A woman sitting in the driver's seat of a car as a house explodes in flames

13."The guy who was a doctor at a fertility clinic who just used his own sperm without the women knowing. It technically was not a crime at the time because no one had thought that it needed to be legislated against."


14."Private investigators. Anybody can hire someone to literally follow and stalk you. You’ll have pictures snapped of you, your location tracked, and folks around you will be manipulated. I had a manager in the small business I worked in who had an ex-boyfriend who would send private investigators after her. We even had one smooth-talk us, ask to use the employee restroom just so he could take pictures of said manager's office (unbeknownst to us, he was a PI). It’s the strangest and creepiest concept to me that this is a service you can legally hire."

A Sherlock Holmes–type figure holding up a magnifying glass to their face and smoking a pipe

15."Buying or selling a gun in a random parking lot is perfectly legal in my state, and I’ve done it several times before. It also feels so incredibly sketchy."


16.And finally, something harmless but still...weird! "Buying popcorn in the cinema and just leaving without watching a film."

Close-up of movie theater popcorn

If you can think of anything that, while legal, is creepy/weird/sketchy, etc., let us know in the comments! I like to read these, even though they make me stressed, TBH.

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.