I Just Found Out There's An Island Covered In Snakes, And Now I'm Wondering How I'm Ever Supposed To Sleep Again Knowing That This Place Exists

Of all of the fears and phobias out there, snakes are probably my biggest.

Netflix / Via giphy.com

So when I stumbled upon this viral TikTok featuring a Brazilian island that is so snake infested that it's illegal to visit, I was both horrified and wildly curious.


The Last Island Is Scary 😰🏝

♬ Dârk Mâttêr - Tsezy

Turns out, Snake Island is a real place that I will be having nightmares about for the rest of my life.

CBC / Via giphy.com

Located in Brazil, Snake Island (which is actually called Ilha de Queimada Grande) is home to the world's largest concentration of venomous snakes.

And to make matters worse, these aren't just any old venomous snakes.

BBC / Via giphy.com

Snake Island is infested with an estimated 2,000 to 4,000 golden lancehead vipers, which are among the deadliest types of snake in the world, NBD.

A snake sticking its tongue out with an arrow pointing saying Now imagine 4000 of these

A golden lancehead viper's venom can kill a human in about an hour.

CBS / Via giphy.com

So how did this Brazilian island become one of the most terrifying places on earth?

According to Smithsonian magazine, the snakes were trapped on the island about 11,000 years ago, due to rising sea levels after the last Ice Age.

20th Century Fox / Via giphy.com

Some have claimed that pirates put the snakes on the island to protect their gold, but that has since been debunked.

Because there were no natural predators on the island, the snakes rapidly reproduced. The snakes also had no ground-level prey, which meant they would have to mark and hunt down birds, which caused their venom to evolve into an incredibly potent version that's three to five times deadlier than the average snake's venom.

A green snake wrapped around a tree
Nine Network / Via youtube.com

In the early 1900s, a few Brazilian locals lived on the island. According to local lore, a family who was in charge of tending to the lighthouse were all killed when the snakes came through the windows of their home.

BBC / Via giphy.com

Both tourists and Brazilian locals are forbidden from visiting Ilha de Queimada Grande.

An Ilha de Queimada Grande sign that prohibits visitors

And in the instance of any legally sanctioned visit, a doctor has to be present at all times in case of any bites.

FOX / Via giphy.com

While the snake population on the island has begun to decline in recent years due to disease and Brazilian officials tweaking the habitat in attempts to control the population (the golden lancehead viper is now officially classified an endangered species), I can confidently say that I will never step foot on Snake Island.

FOX / Via giphy.com

Do you know of any other terrifying places like Snake Island? Come chat about them in the comments!