People Are Getting Honest About Sexual Behaviors And Habits Porn Has Normalized, And This Is Important

Note: This post contains mentions of explicit sexual content.

Watching and enjoying porn is a common thing. However, there are plenty of sexual things often seen in porn that are really not always considered "normal" for everyone.

a woman saying, "oh my gosh"

This Reddit thread where u/[deleted] asked "What’s something that porn has normalized?" resulted in thousands of varied responses. And while it's important to recognize that sex is super subjective — and different people like/want/need different things — the answers were still very thought-provoking. Here are some.

A couple making out
Studio4 / Getty Images

1."People going for longer than an hour without chafing."

a man looking confused saying, "how?"

2."That foreplay sometimes consists of the guy getting a blowjob and then she rubs herself like twice and then they're ready for action. In [reality], everything often looks very dry."


3."Rubbing a woman's clit like you're a dog scratching an itch."


4."I watch porn on mute most of the time because the 'mmm, yeah' instantly turns me off."

rachael ray holding her ears saying, "not listening"

5."How easy they make butt stuff look. This can be dangerous because some people watch that and go, 'Oh, I could just stick it in, no problem.' NO! You need to prep your partner with lots of lube and probably start with fingers first and not straight dick first. Shit is dangerous."


6."The amount of moaning a woman does without any stimulation at all."

a woman rolling her eyes and looking up

7."How everyone is ready for anal sex at the drop of a dime."


8."Deepthroating. A lot of these really extreme sex acts are so normalized in porn that people start to forget how much work you have to do to get to the point where you can enjoy it without just being in complete agonizing pain."


a couple in bed together
Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

9."Going from the butt straight to the vagina. You just don't do that due to all the bacteria in the butt."


10."'Perfect bodies.' I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I am/used to be insecure about my body, especially my genitals because of how 'imperfect' they both look thanks to porn."


11."The screaming that comes with an orgasm. When I have one, it’s more of an inhale than an exhale. I am quite a loud guy in the bedroom, but when the orgasm hits, I can’t scream. I can’t yell or holler. It’s like a lot of intense breathing."


12."That people are ready to have sex at any time. Believe me, in the morning when the mailman comes, I'm in my PJs, my hair messy, needing a shower, hungry, in a mood, and tired. The last thing I want is for him to give me any sort of other parcels."

a woman laying in bed in her pjs

13."I find the 'always finishing on a girl's face' not normal. I know it’s a fetish, but it’s how, like, 90% of porn finishes. It happens so frequently that I question if I am the not normal one for not doing it."


14."Slapping, choking, spitting on someone in bed without asking consent beforehand. I consented to sex; I didn't consent to you striking me."


15."That men can get hard with a flip of a switch and stay rock hard for 30-45 minutes."

"Uh ... no."

16."That women scream during sex. Many of us don't. You can tell if you're doing a good job by looking at us. Do we look bored? Step up your game. Do we look happy? You're doing good, keep going. Do we look possessed? There ya go, that's the spot, you got her now."


17."Hairless women."


18."Squirting. I’m a very sexual person; my vagina lubricates on its own (nothing wrong with lube if needed). I experience multiple, very pleasurable, loud orgasms if the stars align with my sexual partner. I have no trouble pleasuring myself, and the number of guys who have asked me if I squirt, or they equate female orgasm to gushing fluids from between a woman’s legs, is unreal."


19."Spitting on a girl's vagina 'to get it wetter.' Girls don't want that."

a woman looking down saying, "i don't like it"

20."Ripping up a person's clothes. What's the point of that? If my partner ever did that, I'd stop immediately."


What else does porn normalize? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!