Just a Casual List of Adorable Nicknames for Your Spouse (!!)

pet names, nicknames for husband, nicknames for wife, nicknames for spouse
48 Cute Nicknames for Your Spouse (!!) Галина Ласаева/Pexels

Your spouse is a fully formed adult person with a first and last name, and you love that for them! We’re sure that name is beautiful and that a ton of thought and love and family history went into it, et cetera. But that doesn’t mean you need to use it to address them every day of your marriage. Save the formalities for your emergency contact information—a situation where you absolutely should put down their real name, please!—but on the day-to-day, the object of your affection deserves cute pet names. “Good morning sweet baby apple of my eye” is a million times more adorable than “Good morning Jane Doe,” you can’t tell us we’re wrong.

And if you’re thinking that nicknames for husbands, wives, or married partners are cringey, we’d like to argue: Being in love is also inherently a little cringey. Lean into the cringe! Embrace it. You don't marry someone you don't want to shower with love and affection, so go forth and shower.

Now, ideally your perfect nickname for your spouse is personal to you and your relationship. Something relating to an inside joke or a memorable experience usually makes for a cute one. But, hi, it’s impossible to guarantee or predict when the perfect moment will magically appear out of thin air, so until it does, we give you our list of the sweetest, quirkiest, sexiest, most cringeworthy-in-the-best-way-possible nicknames for the one you love. And don’t worry: We included some that are more neutral for those of you who truly can’t stand anything too sugary.

Cute Nicknames for Your Spouse

  1. Angel

  2. Babe

  3. Baby

  4. Bebe

  5. Bubba

  6. Bug

  7. Beautiful/Handsome

  8. Cutie

  9. Cutie Pie

  10. Darling

  11. Dear

  12. Doll

  13. King/Queen

  14. Love

  15. Love Bug

  16. Mister/Missus

  17. Munchkin

  18. Prince/Princess

  19. Sweetie

  20. Sweetheart

  21. Sweet Pea

  22. Sunshine

Sexy Nicknames for Your Spouse

  1. Boo

  2. Daddy

  3. Mine

  4. Hottie

  5. Hot stuff

  6. Hunk

  7. Lover

  8. Stud

  9. Sexy

  10. Tiger

  11. Zaddy

Food-Related Nicknames for Your Spouse

  1. Buttercup

  2. Chicken

  3. Dumpling

  4. Honey

  5. Honey bun

  6. Honey pie

  7. Jellybean

  8. Muffin

  9. Nugget

  10. Peanut

  11. Pudding

  12. Pumpkin

  13. Sweetie pie

  14. Sugar plum

  15. Tater tot

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