Just 100 Icebreaker Questions to Kick Off Deep Convos With Your BFF

Just 100 Icebreaker Questions to Kick Off Deep Convos With Your BFF

Picture this: You're just chilling with your ride-or-die bestie (or your entire group chat of BFFs), and you run into a weird moment when you can't recall the most basic fact about them. If you've ever found yourself in the above situation, please make some noise in solidarity, because it feels so shameful. Hell, it's enough to make you question the relationship entirely. How could you have a BFF who receives all of your time, energy, and absurd jokes, and still not know their fave color?!

We have a simple solution to this conundrum, and that is a solid catalog of "getting-to-know-you" questions that aren't too corny/forced, because they're meant for your day ones, obviously. The next time you and your besties are looking for ways to pass the time, whip out this list of QQs and invest in that fun-fact bank. From hilarious hypotheticals to introspective convo starters, here are 100 questions to ask your friends ASAP.

Questions for dreaming big

  1. Where is your dream vacation?

  2. What does your dream home look like and where is it located?

  3. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

  4. Who's your dream dinner guest, and what are you cooking for them?

  5. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

  6. How would you spend a one million dollar cash prize?

  7. In one year's time, what do you want in your life that you don't have now?

  8. What was your dream job as a child?

  9. What's one thing about the future that scares you?

  10. If you were elected as POTUS, what would be your first to-do?

  11. If you could change your name, what would you choose?

  12. Where would your dream marriage proposal be?

Questions about the favorites

  1. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of eternity, what would it be?

  2. What's a movie/TV quote that's stuck in your head forever?

  3. What's your fave pick-me-up video on YouTube?

  4. What artist do you listen to when you're trying to hype yourself up?

  5. Can you describe your fave birthday ever?

  6. What's your favorite trait of mine?

  7. If you could bring five items to a desert island, what would they be?

  8. What's your favorite smell?

  9. What's been your fave day spent with me?

  10. What's your fave TikTok audio?

  11. What's the one season you love most?

  12. What do you like about your favorite color?

  13. What's your least favorite trait in a person?

  14. Which natural phenomenon brings you joy (sunsets, ocean waves, etc.)?

  15. What would your perfect day look like?

  16. Who do you know that gives the best hugs?

  17. What's your never-fail coffee order?

  18. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?

  19. What are five quick things you're grateful for?

Questions for reminiscing

  1. What was the scariest moment of your life?

  2. Who was your fave teacher growing up?

  3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten, and when has it come in handy?

  4. Where is the first place you ever remember traveling to?

  5. What's your favorite memory tied to a holiday?

  6. What is something you've never told me, and why didn't you spill it?

  7. When's a moment that you know you made your parents proud?

  8. Who was your first crush?

  9. Who was the first person to break your heart?

  10. When's the last time you lied?

  11. What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

  12. What would you change about your childhood?

Questions for getting deep

  1. What's something you've done that really intimidated you, but paid off in the end?

  2. What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?

  3. What's your love language?

  4. Who inspires you?

  5. What makes you laugh no matter the mood you're in?

  6. When is the last time you cried?

  7. In your opinion, what makes a person strong?

  8. In your opinion, what makes a person beautiful?

  9. How do you know that you love someone?

  10. If you knew it was your last day on Earth, what would you make sure to do?

  11. Do you think you're taking care of yourself enough?

  12. What's the most considerate thing anyone has ever done for you?

  13. Who makes you feel the most confident, and why?

  14. When are you the most comfortable?

  15. Where are you the happiest?

  16. How do you prefer to approach conflicts?

  17. Can you list everything that you're looking for in a romantic partner?

  18. What is something that I have, that you wish you had too?

  19. What was your biggest insecurity as a teen, and how did you outgrow it?

  20. What's a change you've made to better yourself in the past year?

  21. Does change scare you?

  22. Who’s someone you’ve outgrown, and in what ways?

  23. If there was one thing you could change about yourself right now, what would it be?

  24. What do you want the most out of life?

Questions for learning the fun facts

  1. What's your sun, moon, and rising sign?

  2. Do you have any phobias?

  3. What food do you absolutely despise?

  4. Would you say you're a Type A or Type B personality?

  5. Would you prefer to live in the city or the burbs?

  6. Are you more introverted or extroverted?

  7. If you and I were animals, what would we be?

  8. What celeb is the best-dressed, in your opinion?

  9. Would you rather live in the ocean or in space?

  10. Who do you think is the scariest person on the planet?

  11. Who is an actor whose movies/TV shows you'd watch, no questions asked?

  12. What would you title your memoir?

  13. Are you a realist, a pessimist, or an optimist?

  14. What do you take pictures of the most?

  15. Have you ever stolen anything?

  16. What is a random thing that disgusts you?

  17. Team Edward or Team Jacob?

  18. Team Blair or Team Serena?

  19. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

  20. Would you rather travel back in time or forward?

  21. What fictional duo does our friendship remind you of?

Questions to think on

  1. If you want kids, what is the biggest lesson you want them to know?

  2. If our friendship was a song, which song would describe it best?

  3. Is there anyone else in your life that I remind you of?

  4. If you were somebody famous in a past life, who would it be?

  5. What part of yourself are you the proudest of?

  6. Do you believe in soulmates?

  7. What's a widely accepted belief that you just can't accept?

  8. What's your guiltiest pleasure?

  9. What are qualities that all of the people close to you tend to have in common?

  10. Can you describe our mutual friends as types of food?

  11. Have you ever considered someone in your life to be a liability? If so, who and why?

  12. Has there ever been a time that I've done something you disagree with and you chose to keep your opinion to yourself?

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