June's Strawberry Moon Seen From 19 Amazing Destinations

Strawberry Moon
Strawberry Moon

Anca Emanuela Teaca / Alamy

From North America to Australia, the June’s pinkish full moon filled last night's summer sky—as well as everybody’s Instagram feeds. Coined Strawberry Moon by Algonquin Native American tribes after the short season in which strawberries can be harvested, the moon sits low in the sky, giving it a striking blush color.

While the exact moment of the full moon wasn't visible everywhere, a close-to-full version could be seen across the globe. Disappointed you missed it? According to astronomers, the moon will remain visible for the next few nights, so grab your camera and get ready for some serious stargazing. Until then, we've picked some of our favorite shots worldwide:

[View the story "June's Strawberry Moon Seen From 19 Amazing Destinations" on Storify]

Lindsey Campbell is the Associate Audience Engagement Editor at Travel + Leisure. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @lyndzicampbell.