June Horoscopes—Or, an Open Love Letter to Beyoncé

Time is a flat circle, and it is now (somehow) June 2019. Which means—you guessed it—June 2019 horoscopes and some real intense Gemini energy/vibes. Lucky! And given that this is my birthday month, you will have to indulge me and my unconnected metaphors and deep and enduring love for the em dash. Which, unsurprisingly, will be a theme for all signs this summer. Indulgence. Think ladies-enjoying-chocolate-while-somehow-enveloped-in-white-satin indulgence.

Sometimes it feels like we’re all just waiting for this ONE special occasion to make everything worth it. Like, some weird adult-version of prom that isn’t quite a wedding or a funeral but carries the same weight. Why else do we save our nicest outfits and makeup and ideas and LIFE for...

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