June 2024 Horoscope: Find Time to Unwind After a Whirlwind May

Lin Chen

<cite class="credit">Dalia Molina</cite>
Dalia Molina

Meet your astrologer

Steph Koyfman is a writer and astrologer best known for her work as Lady Cazimi. She writes the monthly horoscope for Condé Nast Traveler's Women Who Travel.

Welcome to your June 2024 horoscope: this is the best month for random Googling, exploring your options, and making time for the interesting detours that lie in wait just beyond the highway exits. Sure, it’ll be easy to get distracted. But maybe that’s just what happens when you start asking better questions.

Mercury enters Gemini on June 3, and on June 4, it links arms with Jupiter as the two planets form an investigative trine to Pluto. Around these dates, don’t ask if you don’t want to know—but you’ll probably want to know. In fact, this moment may plant a seed of inquiry that spirals into a more exhaustive research project. Some overheard gossip reveals itself as just the tip of the iceberg. A random bit of trivia you learn on one of your walking tours begets your new summer reading list. A pitstop in some random town becomes the main quest. There are powerful resets occurring in this area of the sky during the first week of June (including, yes, a New Moon in Gemini on June 6), so developing a new agenda during this time seems likely. If nothing else, this could present as the initial rush of euphoria you get when you’re a kid entering a candy store for the first time. The buffet of options in front of you can feel most exciting before you’re forced to actually make a choice.

Travel-wise, Mercury’s fast sprint through Gemini between June 3 and 17 makes for two weeks of efficient transit, engaging coffee shop banter, and relative success with that new foreign language you’re trying out. Expect some frustrations in these areas around June 12, when Mercury squares Saturn, and June 17, when Mercury squares Neptune. However, problems sometimes lead to solutions, or at least a new way of looking at things. Mercury’s conjunction to the Sun on June 14 brings clarity and insight—if nothing else, you’ll be in the zone for a few hours.

Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17, and the Sun follows on the 20th, initiating us into Cancer Season (and across the solstice threshold). Mental and social overstimulation gives way to cozy exchanges across the breakfast nook, and the intimacy of a small group may be preferable to the chaos of “everyone.” This wouldn’t be the worst time for a romantic (or platonic) getaway for two. And if you’re stuck on where to go, nostalgia-fueled reveries to the places of your past will tug at your heartstrings.

Astrologer's note: Below we refer to your signs as “rising” signs, also known as your ascendant sign. Horoscopes are more accurate when read this way—using your birth time and location, you can quickly find your rising sign online (it takes less than 30 seconds).

<cite class="credit">Lin Chen</cite>
Lin Chen

Aries Rising

There’s no stopping you once you open that Notes app this month. Whether your preoccupation of the moment is writing, making memes, organizing a block party with your neighbors, or losing yourself in an engaging podcast on your walks, the possibilities feel endless when your mind is fully engaged.

Particularly on June 4, which features a Mercury-Jupiter and a Venus-Sun conjunction in Gemini, your daily devotional practice renews itself to commit to the thing that’s fully grabbed your attention and curiosity. You might be on fire with your morning journaling, plugging away bit by bit at your novel, or finding time to read again. You might also be reconnecting with your siblings, cousins, and besties in a meaningful way, or becoming more invested in your local scene. This month, look for the kindred spirits showing up at your side, and embrace the connections fully.

More day and weekend trips out of town could also be on the menu with this planetary weather, but watch your wallet, because it’ll be easier to burn through your stash once Mars enters Taurus on June 9. Yes, this might partially be a hangover from last month’s indulgences, or a credit card balance coming due. This may also present as a cosmic imperative to hold your ground or defend what’s yours, especially between June 9 and 11.

After Mercury and Venus sail into Cancer on June 17, you’ll be heeding the homebody siren song, or more likely, feeling pulled into closer communion with your roots. Hosting friends and family at your home can be a satisfying use of this energy, but so can pulling out the recipes, songs, and handicrafts of your ancestors. Perhaps a pilgrimage to one of your heritage places is the ticket?

Taurus Rising

The wheels in your mind have been actively spinning lately, and this month, they get busy cooking up new income-generating ideas. On June 4, when Mercury conjoins Jupiter and Venus conjoins the Sun in your second house of money and resources, your inner salesperson is activated. This could be the right time to monetize an offering, ask for a raise, adjust your prices, or buy that investment piece you’ve had your eye on. Just be aware that Venus will square Saturn on June 8, which could present as some initial disinterest in what you’ve got to offer. You know a good idea when you know a good idea, and you also know your own value. Don’t get discouraged—just keep refining your pitch. Growth will come, but it’ll be slow and patient going over the next year.

While your market stall becomes a livelier place in June, you may also find yourself needing to become somewhat more cut-throat to get ahead, or defend your turf. Mars enters Taurus on June 9, and over the next couple of days, it approaches a square to Pluto. No, you’re not beating the “bull-headed,” “obstinate” allegations. But who, or what, is raising your hackles in the first place? You may need to swap your usually peaceful comportment for a more formidable one, but be mindful that your sacred self-defense doesn’t become hard-headedness.

In any case, the second half of the month looks livelier from a social perspective, and maybe you’ll be traveling to visit some friends or cousins you haven’t seen in a while. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17, and there’s a Full Moon in Capricorn, your ninth house of long journeys, on June 21. This summer solstice is a popping one, and it may involve going on, or pulling the trigger on, a long-awaited trip. If nothing else, make time for philosophical banter over coffee with your faves. Your perspective is ripening, and this can catalyze some shifts that make your world bigger.

Gemini Rising

June is frequently your time to shine, but this year’s Gemini Season puts the confetti sprinkles on your cake. During the first half of the month especially, there’s a party happening in your rising sign, and you’ll be feeling celebrated and/or celebratory—perhaps as a direct result of something you’re launching into the world. That “something” can be as loud as a big career announcement, or as subtle as a personal glow-up. A renewed sense of confidence and self-knowledge is worth shouting about from the rooftops too, you know.

You hit the refresh button on your life in a big way between June 3 and 6. This short four-day window is packed with powerful reset potential, and this may also be when the new agenda, or intrigue, hooks your attention. There may be one butterfly you’re meant to be chasing, or there may be several. The options and possibilities will definitely be exciting to think about, even if you don’t pursue them all.

However, there might be some amount of rain at your parade. Between June 8 and 12, some of those Gemini planets must contend with Saturn’s stern judgment, like a group of children begging a parent for permission to do something beyond the scope of what they’re normally allowed. You might literally be coming up against a boss or authority figure who’s somewhat less enthused about your ideas, or against the pressures and obligations of your professional or societal roles. The person you’re most excited to become might not necessarily mesh with the person you’re expected to be, and that can produce its own tensions you’ll need to work through. If clarity (or even a loophole) is what you’re missing, wait for the clouds to part briefly on June 14.

Cancer Rising

If you’re not in the mood to frolic with everyone else, don’t let FOMO talk you out of a perfectly good time in exile. You might be in a state of retreat during the first half of June, or as we talked about last month, holed up in reading purgatory. The good news is that, at least for right now, you might get a lot of pleasure out of these solitary, scholarly pursuits. Indulging in your nerdiest guilty pleasures might be the most fulfilling use of your energy right now, even if no one else around you really “gets it.” You might also be excited about something that needs to remain a secret for now, or breaking ground on an exciting project that you won’t be able to share or talk about for another year.

There’s also a decent possibility that what you’re feeling right now is kind of bittersweet. Good news and no one to share it with, or choosing the lonelier path of following your joy, can come with mixed emotions. The second week of June, especially between June 8 and 12, will have a somewhat more somber or subdued tone as Saturn gets into the mix. Since March of 2023, Saturn has been slowing your roll when it comes to travel, living abroad, and higher education. It’s also been complicating your ability to trust and believe, encouraging you to scrutinize your theories a little more closely. As Saturn slows to a retrograde station on June 29, this process is emphasized, and opportunities to satisfy these limitations in a different way may start to present themselves.

You’ll feel like emerging back into the world again in the second half of June, which looks much livelier for you. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer holding hands on June 17, and the Sun follows suit on June 20. You’ll be refreshed, reenergized, and full of gossip to share with the group chat, or songs and poetry you concocted in your quiet time. It’s time to let the world know you’re here, and air out those shower thoughts to invite people into deeper connection with you.

<cite class="credit">Lin Chen</cite>
Lin Chen

Leo Rising

Things are popping in your social life this month, but this feels bigger than your usual summer distractions. As a pileup of planets sparks new storylines in your eleventh house of groups, community, and shared visions, you may be turning over a new leaf on an inspired collective endeavor of some kind. Or maybe it’s more that your world is expanding, and you’re feeling the initial excitement of making all kinds of new acquaintances. The party is buzzing this June, and no matter who you bump into, it seems like everyone you meet is a witty, engaging conversationalist with knowledge to share and gossip to spill.

This message applies to your IRL connections just as much as it does to the Twitter corners and Discord servers you belong to, by the way. Pay extra close attention to the discourse that’s swirling, and the ideas being circulated, during the first week of June—you might be in the initial brainstorming stages, with multiple possibilities on the table. Though it’s unlikely all of them will take hold, at least one of them is likely to grow legs in a meaningful way over the next year. Even more so, it’s possible that the friend group or organization your heart is aligning with most closely at the moment will become your core community over the next couple of years. This is as much of a social reset as it is you receiving your new marching orders.

Though these dynamics look fun and invigorating, you might come up against some barriers to trust around June 8, and between June 9 and 11, you may also feel the need to defend your turf against competitors or enemies who are trying you with their underhanded tactics. With Mars camped out in your tenth house of career and public reputation for the next six weeks, you might need to send a loud message of defiance to the world, or stick it to the man in some way. Standing your ground might be necessary to defend your honor, but be mindful that you’re not stubbornly holding onto a grudge, either.

Virgo Rising

After a year of developing your thesis and widening the scope of your knowledge, you’re finally ready to receive some public acclaim and claim your professional glow-up. Think of it this way: if the last year was about meeting your publishing deadlines, this coming one will be for the book tour and magazine profiles. And even if the attention and opportunities spread you a little thin, you’ll probably get to have some fun with them—at least in June especially.

Between June 3 and 6, your career and/or public life gets an exciting reset. You might be celebrating a new role, a promotion of some kind, or a publication that gets your work in front of eyes it’s not yet reached. Maybe you’re being invited to speaking engagements, having one of your tweets go viral, or seeing your engagement announcement in the local paper. Whatever it is that’s got the wheels in your mind spinning with anticipation, this is likely just the beginning of a year-long growth process. It will come with its checks and balances eventually (and you might get some early signals as to what that might be about during the second week of June), but for now, you get to enjoy the initial spark.

After Mars enters Taurus on June 9, you might be in for a busier-than-usual travel season for the next six weeks—one that might come with added stress and frustration. We’re not talking Mercury Retrograde-level complications here, but maybe you’ll be feeling extra resistant to the false urgency of your traveling companions, or unable (unwilling?) to muster the energy for a high-octane sprint from crowded tourist site to crowded tourist site. Cut yourself some slack if this is what you’re feeling, and plan for a slower time.

Libra Rising

June opens with you on a magic carpet ride, looking out at a whole new world—with a hundred thousand things to see, and a new fantastic point of view. You might be quite literally on an adventure of sweeping proportions, taking on South America by motorcycle or sailing through an entire region by cruise. Or you might be eagerly diving into a new field of study, becoming someone’s disciple, outlining your dissertation, or brainstorming topics for your new collection of short stories. Either way, the part of you that craves new experiences, and perhaps a greater variety of knowledge, is lit up and leading the way this month.

Between June 3 and 6, you are recommitting yourself in some way to the journey you’re about to take, most likely in response to encouraging news you receive around this time, or an especially exciting idea or thesis you come up with. You can see the potential clearly, and the temptation to scatter yourself in many directions will be high. This is a pilgrimage with many pit stops—a topic that begets a lot of footnotes and tangents. While it’s completely appropriate to bask in the excitement of all the places you can go with this, know that you’ll probably need to rein it in at some point. When Venus squares Saturn on June 8, you might get some early indications as to where your limits lie. Rather than let this disenchantment take the wind out of your sails, how can you let it redirect you?

On June 17, Mercury and Venus flit into Cancer together, followed closely by the Sun on June 20. Your professional life will be highlighted during the second half of June, especially with Saturn stationing retrograde in your sixth house of work. The parameters of your schedule or workload might be changing in a way that will allow you more time to pursue your pet projects and favorite areas of interest. In fact, this may very well have something to do with this new learning kick you’re on. Share what’s on your mind widely—you never know who’s listening.

Scorpio Rising

Where are you becoming invested this June—literally and figuratively? There is a great deal of initial excitement landing in the part of your chart associated with finances and other people’s resources, especially during the first half of the month. It seems as though you’re taking a gamble on something or someone, and the early feedback is pretty positive. This could be a literal financial investment of some kind, a creative collaboration, or a merging of assets. If you’re partnered, your other half could be getting a raise or coming into some wealth. More than anything, though, the significance of this moment is that you may be giving someone the benefit of the doubt, opening up to trust, or otherwise allowing yourself to relax into the support others can provide you.

As you learn to embrace the complexity of give and take, the nuance of exchange and the fine print of what it means to approach others in good faith, you may also gain some perspective around something you’ve been grieving for some time. In fact, this upcoming year could very well be a learning curve around loss, and a healing journey through grief. But in the meantime, don’t be surprised (or discouraged) if someone sets you off early into this process. Mars enters your seventh house of others on June 9, and immediately runs into a square with Pluto. You might be feeling defensive around these dates, or prone to digging in your heels around conflict. Is the interrogation warranted this time, or are you really just boxing with the shadow of one of your parents?

Though you might be more conflict-prone through the next six weeks, you’ll probably enjoy the invitation to spread your wings more in the second half of the month, especially because mid-June brings you into your annual travel high season. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17, bringing whimsy and good banter to the part of your chart associated with faraway adventures of all kinds. You can have an enjoyable time on a trip for sure, and there may be many a sweet stranger who helps you out or divulges something personal about their lives to you. But this can also be a cute time to engage in philosophical exchanges, wax poetic about the meaning of life, and connect with people from different backgrounds.

<cite class="credit">Lin Chen</cite>
Lin Chen

Sagittarius Rising

Whether you’ve been weathering a dry spell or suffering from a case of relationship monotony doldrums, some excitement and fresh energy enlivens your love life this June. This is likely not a random chance occurrence, but a direct result of the ways you’ve been asserting your needs and putting yourself out there with the Aries eclipses pinging your fifth house of romance and pleasure over the last year. Now, some fun arrives to your relationship corner and encourages you to turn over a new leaf. Especially between June 3 and 6, there are ideas being shared, possibilities being floated, and a potent sense of renewing your commitments and heart investments. If you’re single, this could be a good time to go on a first date or articulate your desires for a partner. If you’re committed, this moment has a bit of a “vow renewal” vibe.

Another major possibility here is that you’re joining forces with someone in a platonic way, signing a major contract, or opening your door to more clients. After last month’s big way-opening for your work life, it’s very possible that things are popping for you professionally. Is it time to close that deal?

Regardless of how these winds are blowing through your field, you’ll still need to keep a healthy dose of skepticism or restraint about you. Saturn will need to check your work and bring your attention to the fine print during the second week of June. Maybe this arrives in the form of a limitation or obstacle that slows you down as you’re getting ready to quickly go all-in on the agreement. Maybe your heart is being pulled in more than one direction, or maybe your significant other doesn’t understand your family or your cultural traditions. Whatever it is that’s slowing your roll, it will likely grow in significance as Saturn stations retrograde on June 29. Your level of obligation to your family, or maybe your sense of commitment to your current living arrangements, may be shifting at this time. Just make sure whoever’s getting on board with you respects and acknowledges the weight of these considerations.

Capricorn Rising

If you’ve been thinking about making some lifestyle changes, June’s astrology will help you shift into a healthier gear, or at least dread waking up early a little less. Not only will the low-sugar honey go down a little smoother, but your mind will also be buzzing with ideas and an eagerness to learn. It’s not enough to simply start taking vitamins—you’ll want to read all the medical literature first and scour the foundational texts of that practice you’re starting.

If this isn’t about embarking on some sort of wellness journey, this is likely about an exciting new project at work. The first half of the month finds you covering entire whiteboards with the abundant output of your brainstorming meetings. Conversations with your coworkers will be stimulating and productive, and your own sense of the scope of what you could potentially accomplish will be large. Maybe it’s more that the scope is in the variety of things you’ll be up to. Think: wearing many hats, working odd jobs, and starting multiple projects at once because you’re interested in them all.

You’ll want to be mindful of overcomplicating things for yourself, of course, or running into a “too many cooks in the kitchen” kind of scenario. If you’re exceeding the limits of what’s reasonable for you, you might get an early indication of this during the second week of June, as Saturn gets involved. But Saturn is also in the process of stationing retrograde, exact on June 29. Your efforts over the last year to commit to a daily practice (or even stick it out in a neighborhood or town you’re getting sick of) might be stalling out right now for a reason. You’ll need to move the goalposts a little to accommodate the new things you’re experimenting with right now, or maybe even just move already.

You’ll also be welcoming a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21, coming hot on the heels of the solstice. You might be reaching a personal milestone of some kind, but it’s the sweet words of encouragement coming from your significant others that makes the view from the top fully worth it.

Aquarius Rising

If you ever dreamed of dominating your local bar’s pun tournament, June might be your lucky break. Your playfulness, cleverness, and creativity will all be at a high, especially during the first half of the month. Fill your notepad with sketches, inspiration, and all the good zingers you come up with while you’re on your way to work. Your ideas are on fire at the moment, and your current love affair with the muse can supply you with enough inspiration to carry your creative endeavors for the next several months.

You may also be waking up to a world of possibilities for bringing more play into your life. Going out more on the weekends, going on vacation, seeing standup comedy, more play dates for the kids, getting busier on the dating apps—expanding your capacity for joy and levity is on the agenda. But with excitement also comes overwhelm, and you may feel yourself getting pulled in too many directions in your eagerness to do it all. Financial constraints can also burst a couple of those bubbles, and you might have to reckon with an initial taste of FOMO during the second week of June. As Saturn gets closer to stationing retrograde (exact on June 29), you’ll be taking inventory of where you’re at financially this month, and perhaps making the necessary adjustments. You do need a fun budget somewhere, somehow. You might be able to cut out one of your other expenses to make space for this.

On June 9, Mars enters Taurus, your fourth house of family and roots. Between June 9 and 11, Mars will be squaring Pluto, making this an especially tense couple of days. You might need to assert some crystal-clear boundaries with your folks, or potentially be the one to confront someone else’s avoidant behavior. For the next six weeks, watch out for discord in the home generally, and disruptions to your calm. It’s very possible that while your physical space remains undisturbed, your relationship to your roots and family history may need to be interrogated a little more strongly so that you can reclaim your power and stay in control of your narrative.

Pisces Rising

This month, you embark on a new voyage. Except this one may or may not take you far away from home—in fact, it may bring you closer to it. Whether you’re moving or pouring more love into your existing nest, your living situation may be getting an exciting new upgrade. Or is it that you’ll have more than one address to call home base? Beyond the extent to which you like where you live now, though, the bigger process may be one of going all the way down the rabbit hole of your lineage, cultural traditions, and national history. You are enrolling at the school of your own ancestry this coming year, and there’s so much your forebears can’t wait to teach you.

Expect lots of initial excitement to flood your synapses during the first half of June. You’ll have lots of ideas, lots of questions, and a bunch of different possibilities that all tug at your curiosity, particularly between June 3 and 6, when some powerful initiatory energy lands in your fourth house of home. You might also be bringing the party home quite literally around this time, and perhaps hosting guests at your home. Extending hospitality to others can be deeply fulfilling for you right now, and you may not even need to travel anywhere to feel like you’re being taken on an adventure. Let your visitors regale you with tales of faraway places, and bring laughter and storytelling to your dinner table.

However, you’ll still need to be mindful of your own limits. Saturn’s influence will be felt during the second week of June, and even more as we near June 29, when Saturn stations retrograde in your rising sign. You may not have as much capacity as you’d like right now, and this might make you feel a little cranky and withdrawn, particularly around June 8. Don’t be shy about carving out some alone time, or withdrawing as needed. The feedback you’re getting right now is important, and it might play into how you decide to pivot at the end of the month. It’s time to adjust your posture in some way, and maybe change the rules of the game for yourself.

Enjoyed your June 2024 horoscope? Look back on May 2024 to see how things lined up.

Originally Appeared on Condé Nast Traveler