How Julianne Got Her 'Naked Strength' Issue Bod...While Still Eating Tacos And Guac

Photo credit: Brian Bowen Smith
Photo credit: Brian Bowen Smith

From Women's Health

The second I saw Julianne Hough on the cover of Women's Health's Naked Strength issue, I had to know: What is she doing to get that strong, beautiful body?

The Dancing With The Stars vet and America's Got Talent judge definitely makes eating well and staying active a priority: She says she exercises five days a week in the mornings—even though she's not a morning person.

One of her go-to boutique fitness workout of choice? SoulCycle. "I love being around people and community," she says. Julianne also practices yoga, and her favorite type of yoga class is hot power fusion at CorePower Yoga. She also makes sure to strength train regularly—something her husband, hockey player Brooks Laich, joins her for.

Pre-workout, Julianne says she downs a concoction of lukewarm water, lemon, celery juice, a green superfood drink, apple cider vinegar, and an adrenal supplement. "If I eat something before I work out that's more of substance, it doesn't work for me," she said.

Then, after she's done sweating, Julianne says she grabs a shake packed with healthy fats. Her go-to ingredients include avocado, almond butter, almond milk, spinach, protein powder, blueberries, and a banana.

Oh, and food rules? Julianne says she generally doesn't do them—except for one: Avoid foods that cause inflammation. "I'll try anything," she says. That leaves a lot of room for delicious eats.

"I love tacos and guacamole," she said. "I love food!"

Julianne also says if she's craving pasta or pizza, she'll eat it—but generally sticks to grilled chicken or salmon with steamed or grilled veggies for dinner. After dinner, she likes a little something sweet, so she keeps dark chocolate in the freezer and helps herself to a piece.

Julianne does drink alcohol—and she says she switched to gin- or tequila-based drinks recently. "I used to be a really big wine drinker just because I loved it," she says. "I loved the experience...but it really makes me not feel good." She'll drink it straight, with soda water, or with fruits.

Read more about Julianne’s body positivity, her new workout method, Kinrgy, and the revelation that surprised even her husband in the September issue of Women’s Health.

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