This Juicy Back Zit Will Make Your Bacne Look Like Child's Play

Photo credit: Instagram @PimplePopperVids
Photo credit: Instagram @PimplePopperVids

From Cosmopolitan

Back pimples are the most inconvenient of all zits. That's a fact. You can't get them with the right facial cleanser or a cleansing brush. Though there are gentler ways of saying goodbye to a pesky spot, the best solution for a back zit is a satisfyingly juicy pop. Sometimes you've got to call in reinforcements.

As her name would imply, Dr. Pimple Popper has turned these pimple popping into an art form, and the popularity of her amazing popping videos has led to several Instagram accounts and YouTube channels, as well as her own TLC show.

One of those Instagram pages is @PimplePopperVids, which is responsible for the most satisfying pimple pop you'll see all week.

In this video, someone with an impeccable manicure and a fresh set of professional tools gets to making an incision in a pimple. From there, the person pops – and what comes out is so unexpected. Uh, is that a pimple full of mashed potatoes or cottage cheese? Not sure? Check it out, but remember: viewer discretion is advised.

Oh, wow. That pimple is fuller than my bank account and it seems to be never ending. If only all back zits were this ripe and ready for the popping. Also, if only everyone had the professional skills, know-how, and nail art of this popper.

In some cases (this one, for example), a dermatologist's advice is necessary. If you haven't seen an expert and if the condition persists, pain is severe, or if you notice any signs of an infection, head to a doctor. Some bacne just can't be popped without professional advice.

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