Jordyn Woods Is NOT Here for All This Cheating Scandal Merch

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

  • Jordyn Woods–themed merch with the quote “I don’t need your situation” has been popping up for sale across the internet in the wake of her cheating scandal.

  • Jordyn’s mom, Elizabeth Woods, just hit up Instagram to make it clear that Jordyn has nothing to do with the merch and isn’t profiting from it.

Thought you’d finally start a week free from Jordyn Woods/Tristan Thompson/Khloé Kardashian drama? Think again, friend, because Jordyn Woods’ mom just hit Instagram to spill some tea.

Apparently, people were so inspired by Jordyn’s fully iconic appearance on the sure-to-be-Emmy-winning series known as Red Table Talk that they’ve started making merch featuring her face and the quote “I don’t need your situation.” And the Woods family would very much like to be removed from that particular narrative.

In other words, no, Jordyn isn’t cashing in on her cheating scandal-something her mom, Elizabeth Woods, made all kinds of clear on Instagram:

“We are well aware that many people have been selling merch,” she wrote. “If you are aware of any companies selling merchandise and trying to benefit from our situation, please tag them below. We would like for the world to know that we have not authorized any of this and have not profited from any of these sales whatsoever. Thank you for all the support and love #TeamIGotThis.”

TBH, this just seems like more proof that Jordyn and her fam are working overtime to get back into Kylie Jenner’s good graces. Both Jordyn and Elizabeth have been Liking and commenting on the reality star’s Instagrams, and while there’s no firm evidence that Kylie’s in the mood to forgive Jordyn for betraying Khloé by kissing Tristan, her Twitter background is currently a photo of the two of them. So there’s hope! Now, back to answering life’s important questions:

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