A New 'Joker' Theory Suggests Arthur Fleck Is Just Pretending to Be the Real Joker

A New 'Joker' Theory Suggests Arthur Fleck Is Just Pretending to Be the Real Joker

From Men's Health

Joker is now out on DVD and Blu-ray following its huge theatrical release and awards wins, giving fans the chance to pore over every detail in the DC movie.

Even on its original release, there were plenty of theories discussed, from whether Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) really is Batman's brother to whether or not that ending was real or imagined by Arthur.

And now a theory posted on Reddit suggests an entirely different interpretation of the movie's events, which could change the way you view the movie.

Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.

One of the key events in Arthur's descent to becoming Joker is his killing of three Wayne Enterprises businessmen on the subway. While the first two are in self-defense, he hunts down and shoots the third man in cold blood.

But the theory suggested by Reddit user ComradeCarly argues that while this incident did happen, it wasn't Arthur who carried it out: "What if he (off screen) saw the news story about the finance guys getting killed first and THEN imagined himself as the killer."

As they point out, it neatly ties up the error that Arthur appears to shoot eight bullets out of a six-bullet gun. Since Arthur has a limited knowledge of guns, it would make sense that he makes a mistake like this in his imagining of the event.

Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.

So who really killed the businessmen on the subway? The real Joker, of course.

While the movie plays out this scene as fact, it takes that same approach to Arthur's fantasy of having a romance with Sophie (Zazie Beetz) and to his first 'appearance' on Murray Franklin's (Robert De Niro) talk show.

The theory suggests that everything that then happens in the movie did actually happen. As to why the police are interested in Arthur (if he didn't actually commit the subway murders), it's just because he fits the profile.

"He's an emotionally unstable man who dresses up as a clown and has been known to carry a gun, simple as that," the theory states.

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

By the time Arthur has transformed into Joker and the police come to visit, he has actually killed people, including his mother, so of course he would run as he might assume they're after him for those murders.

It's an interesting way to look at the movie with Arthur being inspired by the real Joker, rather than becoming the Joker himself, especially as it folds into quotes from director Todd Phillips that there might be more than one Joker.

"Maybe Joaquin's character inspired the Joker. You don't really know. His last line in the movie is, 'You wouldn't get it'. There's a lot going on in there that's interesting," he teased.

Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Niko Tavernise - Warner Bros.

Given that Phillips isn't about to explain the mysteries of Joker anytime soon and give a definitive take on it, there's nothing to say that this theory that Arthur is inspired by the real Joker is wrong.

After all, Arthur says himself that "all I have are negative thoughts", so why can't those thoughts be imagining him being the criminal that's roaming Gotham?

Joker is available to buy on Blu-ray or streaming now.

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