Is Joining the Instant Pot Community Worth It?

If you’ve got a pressure cooker and an internet connection, chances are you’ve heard of the Instant Pot Community, a massive Facebook group dedicated to the wildly popular appliance. Newbie Instant Pot owners can learn a lot from the community but you might want to proceed with caution if you’re a pro. Read about the Instant Pot Community’s biggest benefits and drawbacks to decide whether joining is right for you.

Pro: Endless opportunity for discussion
Say you’re trying out an Instant Pot recipe for the first time and want a veteran’s advice. Well, the community is full of people who have succeeded and failed with that concept, or have perhaps even developed their own recipe. Using the group’s search function, you can read what other home cooks experienced, including their tips and pitfalls, and even see how their recipes turned out.

Con: Repetitive posts
The Instant Pot Community loves asking questions, and nothing’s wrong with curiosity. However, it’s often redundant, especially when so many users have already posted the same thing. If information overload or photos of yogurt annoy you, you might wanna turn off notifications for the group.

Pro: Infinite ideas
With almost 2.5 million members, the Instant Pot Community is a great way to pick up ideas, whether they’re next week’s meal prep plans or a spin on cheesecake worth experimenting. All you need for a huge boost of inspiration is a quick scroll down the page’s latest posts.

Con: Common knowledge
Like we mentioned earlier, the Instant Pot Community is a great resource for fledgling Instant Pot users. But if you consider yourself a pro, a lot of the information the community provides is relatively useless. For a specific question or blunder, it’s better to use Google or read a comprehensive guide.