Join film critic Robbie Collin in a communal re-watch of Big Night

Hungry? Time to cook up a comic storm - Film Stills
Hungry? Time to cook up a comic storm - Film Stills

As the quarantine drags on, are you beginning to lose your mind with boredom? Do you miss going out to restaurants for a spot of fine Italian cuisine?

Welcome back to The Telegraph’s weekly virtual Movie Club. Every Tuesday at 6pm, we’re re-watching a feel-good movie that’s widely available online, and blogging our thoughts, comments and reactions in real-time here.

So far we’ve enjoyed gems such as La La Land, Monty Python’s Life of Brian and (last week) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the 1986 comedy.

This week, we're watching Big Night, the charming 1996 comedy with Stanley Tucci and Minnie Driver. You can find the film on Netflix and YouTube.

Join in the fun by leaving your (kosher and corona-free) comments below the line, and I’ll respond to as many of you as possible while we watch!

Joined late? Don't worry, just scroll back to the start of my comments and dive straight in.