Are Johnie & Chris Still Together From Love Is Blind Season 5? They Say….

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Warning: Love Is Blind Season 5 spoilers ahead. In Episode 6 of the new Love Is Blind season, viewers learn that Johnie and Chris were back together after their love triangle with Izzy and their emotional breakup in The Pods. But “Are Johnie and Chris still together from Love Is Blind Season 5?” is the real question. Read on for where they are now since filming ended.

Johnie Maraist and Chris Fox were one of five couples on Love Is Blind Season 5, which premiered on Netflix in September 2023. Love Is Blind, which premiered its first season in February 2020, follows around 30 men and women over the course of a couple weeks as they speed-date in “Pods,” where they can talk to each other but not see each other. During the 10 days, the couples can decide if they want to get engaged—still sight unseen. After the proposal, the couples meet face-to-face for the first time and go on vacation at a resort in Mexico, where they learn more about each other and meet the other couples. After the trip, the couples, who all live in the same city, return to the real world and move into an apartment together as they meet each other’s families and friends and prepare for their weddings. At the altar on their wedding days, the couples must decide whether to marry or break up as they answer the age-old question of if love can be truly blind.

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Since the premiere of Love Is Blind, the show has become one of Netflix’s highest-rated series, with more than 30 million views in its first two months. “Across the world, everybody feels the same way: Everyone wants to be loved for who they are on the inside. It doesn’t matter where you live, what you look like, how old you are, what your background is, which class you know, or social structure you feel like you’re a part of, everyone wants to be loved for who they are,” creator Chris Coelen told Variety in 2020. “In today’s society we’ve got all these ways to find love through dating apps and technology. Those things sort of counterintuitively have made people feel disposable. They’ve made people feel like it’s all surface level. It does the opposite thing it was supposed to do. So we thought, what if we took everybody’s devices away, how could we get them to focus on connecting with other people?”

Coelen also told Variety about how the connections on Love Is Blind were based on choice, which is why the relationships were that much stronger. “It was incredibly scary because nobody had to do anything, versus a show like we do Married at First Sight, you sign up and you know, you’re getting married to a stranger. Here, nobody had to do anything. It was if you find someone, if you choose. Which is so scary. They don’t have to go through with the wedding ceremony,” he said. “But assuming they found someone, could that love overcome any judgment in the real world? That’s an incredibly fascinating question. And that’s what we set out to try to examine.”

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But back to Johnie and Chris. So… are Johnie and Chris still together from Love Is Blind Season 5? See what happened after their love triangle with Izzy. (For a full list of who’s still together from Love Is Blind Season 5, click here.)

Are Johnie and Chris still together from Love Is Blind Season 5?

Are Johnie and Chris still together from Love Is Blind Season 5? The answer seems to be yes. Johnie Maraist and Christopher “Chris” Fox met in The Pods on Love Is Blind Season 5. Johnie broke up with Chris in Episode 2 because of her stronger feelings for Izzy, another contestant. However, when Izzy broke up with Johnie in the same episode due to his stronger feelings for Stacy, Johnie asked Chris to reunite in Episode 3.

Johnie and Chris broke up in Episode 4 when Chris rejected Johnie’s invitation to get back together because he didn’t feel like he was her first choice. They revealed they were back together in Episode 7 when they attended a cast party and explained that they had reunited after they both left The Pods. At the time of Love Is Blind Season 5’s premiere, Johnie and Chris were not following each other on Instagram.

Johnie and Chris confirmed they were not still together in the Love Is Blind Season 5 reunion. They revealed during the reunion that they broke up after Chris cheated on Johnie with his current girlfriend. “That weekend was my birthday weekend. Chris had a wedding out of state, so he left the state, and I didn’t see him. And then the next week I didn’t see him,” Johnie said. “I found out the following weekend that Chris was seeing someone else. I never saw him again.”

Chris confirmed Johnie’s story. “That is how it went down, and I didn’t handle the situation as someone would properly. But I did someone who I now live with and I love, and we’re very happy together,” he said. “I’m sorry if that hurts to hear, but the whole experience is to find yourself and then findg someone who accepts you for who you are. And that’s what I found and I wouldn’t change that for anything.”

When host Vanessa Lachey asked Chris if she thought what he did was cheating, he confirmed that he did. “It’s terrible. I know I was wrong. I felt guilty and heartbroken and as many emotions I could. I did fall in love with you and I still care about you,” Chris told Johnie. “It’s a terrible thing to do, and probably one of my biggest regrets is not being forthcoming with you. I’ve apologized and I continuously apologize.”

Johnie revealed that she found out Chris cheated on her when her friend saw him with the other woman. “My friend saw him with the other girl and told me. I think I blamed myself still a little,” she said. Chris added, “It’s my fault. You don’t need to.. it’s not you. One of my biggest faults that I continuously try to work through is to tell people news they don’t want to hear, and it sounds good, like I don’t want to say bad things to somebody, but it doesn’t work. It’s not a good trait to have. I continuously, to this day, try to work through that.”

Johnie added, “I think he thought he didn’t want to hurt me, so he thought maybe he was going to ease his way out.” Chris continued, “There was no plan. It was just I love this girl.”

In an interview with Today in September 2023, Chris explained why he got back together with Johnie and hinted that they were still together. “When you finally meet somebody that you have that kind of emotional bond with, that you’ve fallen in love with, you don’t just mess that up because of something outside of your control,” he said.

Chris also told E! News about why he gave Johnie a second chance in the real world following their breakup in The Pods. “For me, it was a no-brainer to give it a second chance,” Chris said, calling Johnie an “incredible woman.” “We are all going through something that we’ve never been through before. It’s uncharted waters.” He continued, “She is always trying to do what’s best for her and I can’t hold that against her.”

Chris also told E! News that he doesn’t have any ill will toward Johnie for choosing Izzy over him at first. “When you have a relationship like that, it’s very hard to find,” he said. “And I’m not going to throw that away because of not making a mistake, but choosing an option when we’ve never ever done this before.”

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in September 2023, Chris looked back on the love triangle between him, Johnie, and Izzy. “I definitely fell in love with Johnie and we had a extremely tight bond from the very start,” he said. “And when she told me that she was going to take a different route, I don’t hold that against her. Everyone there is trying to make the best decisions for themselves. Johnie’s an amazing, smart woman, and I trust her to make the best decision for herself. Even sometimes it’s the wrong decision — I would’ve chose me.” He also explained why he forgave Johnie. “You can’t make that life decision right after something like that happens,” he said.

He also told Entertainment Weekly about how he didn’t regret his relationship with Johnie in The Pods, including opening up to her about the sexual assault he experienced when he was younger. “But when you go into the experiment, I feel like I did it properly and I’m really proud of how I did it — I was as open and honest as I could be,” he said. “If you’re going to fall in love with someone and marry them, then they need to know everything about you and what makes you you. It is a very tough subject that I don’t really want to go back over right now, but I am glad that I opened up and got to that point where I felt trusting enough to have those conversations.”

Who’s Johnie from Love Is Blind Season 5?

Who is Johnie from Love Is Blind Season 5? Johnie Maraist is a 32-year-old lawyer from the Houston, Texas, area. Her Instagram handle is @johniemaraist. “Can you tell I was nervous?? 😂 Tune in to see if I find love in the pods! @loveisblindnetflix @netflix,” she captioned an Instagram post in September 2023 announcing she was on Love Is Blind Season 5.

Read Johnie’s official Love Is Blind Season 5 biography from Netflix’s website ahead: “Johnie is proud to be a constant work in progress, because that means she’s always growing. As a lawyer, Johnie has had tremendous success in her career, but hasn’t been as lucky in love because she always seems to pick “the wrong kind of man.” Her usual type is “slightly younger, pretty boys,” but she’s coming to the experiment with an open heart and mind. And, while she has a habit of being indecisive, she needs a guy who knows exactly what he’s looking for.”

Who’s Chris from Love Is Blind Season 5?

Who is Chris from Love Is Blind Season 5? Christopher “Chris” Fox is a 28-year-old project manager for commercial and retail development from the Houston, Texas, area. His Instagram handle is @chrisfoxxy. “Excited for everyone to see me in the pods September 22nd! Hope we all do Houston proud!” he captioned an Instagram post in September 2023 announcing he was on Love Is Blind Season 5.

Read Chris’ official Love Is Blind Season 5 biography from Netflix’s website ahead: “Chris has a history of ‘[going] for the wrong women,’ but he’s looking to break his pattern by falling in love with his best friend in the pods. Bottling up emotions and communication issues have hampered past relationships, with his longest one spanning three years. Since being single, dating apps have left him frustrated, as Chris only matches with women who ‘seem to not be looking for the commitment’  he wants in a lifelong partnership. Honesty, selflessness, and humor are the traits that will grab his attention — and someone who wouldn’t mind hopping on the back of his motorcycle.”

Love Is Blind Season 5 is available to stream on Netflix.

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