John Amos' Daughter Shares Where She Stands With the Actor After Dispute

Shannon Amos is clearing the air after a couple weeks of public contention with her father, actor John Amos.

In an Instagram story posted on June 21, the producer wrote, "Our family thanks you for the positive thoughts & prayers." She went on to report that her father is "safe" and "healing," though offered no information as to his location or the family's resolution to the accusations that have come from both sides.

She did add, however, "I will continue to stand strong in the truth.'

On June 8, Shannon alleged that her father was a victim of elder abuse, launching a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to help with his care and to pursue legal action on his behalf after she claimed the 83-year-old was left "fighting for his life" in a Memphis ICU in May due to the actions of a "trusted caregiver," who she said also exploited the man financially.

Later that same day, the Good Times alum's rep, Belinda Foster, countered the claims, sharing a statement with Parade that read, "I wish to make a statement for the record that I am doing well. I appreciate everyone's concerns but again, please understand that this GoFundMe campaign is not one that is accurate or authorized by me."

Additionally, Foster described the hospitalization as "a little tune up" for a buildup of fluid in John's legs.

In a since-deleted Instagram video, Shannon countered again, saying, "All due respect to my father's response, I understand that this is embarrassing and upsetting, and probably not what he would have wanted me to do, but it is in his best interest."

Nearly a week later she doubled down, offering a statement to Parade through a rep that shared that she and the rest of her family are "unwavering in their commitment to ensuring John's safety, stability, and healing."

Then, on June 14, John accused his daughter of taking advantage of him with the fundraiser she organized—which has since been removed—sharing a video on his son K.C. Amos' Instagram account, confirming that he was in the hospital, with his son by his side, but that he was "not in the hospital as a result of anything that happened recently," adding that the water retention and "a couple of other issues" from the previous hospitalization had been addressed.

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John went on to share that his "main issues" are with Shannon, who he said he felt "has taken advantage of [him]." The Roots actor continued, "She's the one that I would attribute my elderly abuse to."

Shannon responded to that commentary as well, sharing through a rep: "Ms. Amos is disheartened at the continuation of false and defamatory statements being made against her by, or on behalf of, or in connection with news reports based on social media posts by Mr. Kelly K.C. Amos. In an effort to stop and prevent further defamation to her reputation, Ms. Amos is requesting that anyone making, encouraging, inducing and/or aiding and abetting others to make false statements to immediately cease and desist."

The statement continued, "Although Ms. Amos hoped to keep this family matter private, the allegations being made against her are falsely impugning and maligning her character, and affecting her well-being. None of the allegations are based in fact, and she is exploring all legal remedies available to her. Ms. Amos hopes this matter will be resolved soon through the proper authorities."

The Custer County Sheriff's Office confirmed that they were looking into the matter, noting in a statement, ""We are thoroughly investigating that allegation and have consulted with our partners at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Department of Human Services. We have also been in contact with Mr. Amos and his attorney.”

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