These People Woke Up, Saw The US Is $31.4 Trillion In Debt, And Coped With Hilarious Jokes

The number of times I've read the term "debt ceiling" in the news this week is ASTRONOMICAL. Honestly, does anyone actually know what that means?

Vice President Kamala Harris saying "When we say debt, that means we owe money to somebody"
Vice President Kamala Harris saying "When we say debt, that means we owe money to somebody"

CBS / Via

I've been pretty confused, so I headed to Twitter to get the simplified version, and thank goodness for @PopCrave:

"The U.S. government is expected to run out of money to meet its payment obligations on June 5 if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling. The decision is currently being held back by House Republicans"

So, it turns out the US government has a spending issue (me, too!) and owes about $31.4 trillion. The deadline to raise the debt ceiling is fast-approaching, which has Congress very stressed out. If the Republicans and Democrats can't compromise, then things are going to get REALLY REALLY bad, as in: "Irreparable harm to the U.S. economy, the livelihoods of all Americans, and global financial stability," US News Reports.

Omari Hardwick as "Ghost" in the show Power angrily saying "I'm running out of money and I'm running out of options"
Omari Hardwick as "Ghost" in the show Power angrily saying "I'm running out of money and I'm running out of options"


Now, we can all see the irony in the government owing money, while simultaneously pestering us to pay off our debts (hi, student loans!). The internet couldn't miss this golden opportunity to troll the government for being in debt, so let's get into these hilarious tweets.

VP Kamala Harris laughing
VP Kamala Harris laughing / Via

1.Take one for the team, Joe!

One person tweeted "Joe need to drop the onlyfans already"

2.This seems like the easiest fix:

President Obama typing on a laptop with a fake headset with caption "Just print more money"

3.This user recommends the government cuts back on the basics, like eating:

"have they tried skipping meals? Hope this helps" [an emoji of fingers crossed and an emoji of a lit candle]

4.This user's recommendation is a bit controversial, but worth taking into consideration:

"idk maybe they should tax the rich that might help"

5.In this user we trust: 🫡

"Send me the money, i'll make sure it gets to them"

6.This user is turning the government's words against them, and I'm here for it:

"Is the US government financially irresponsible or did they not have what it takes to thrive in this fast-paced environment?"

7.This user is referencing Gina Rodriguez's iconic response to a fan asking her to help pay for college:

"Have they looked into the Hispanic Scholarship Fund? There are a few places to look for help mama lets research"

"Mama lets research"

"Have you looked into the Hispanic Scholarship Fund? There are a few places to look for help mama lets research"

8.The government better start penny-pinching!

"Have they tried making coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks?"

9.This user makes a great point — the call is coming from inside the house!

"But y’all want me to pay my student loans? You’re projecting babe"

10.This user suggests the government hits up the 'rents for cash:

"When i run out of money i ask my mom have they tried asking their mom"

11.I mean, Netflix subscriptions are getting pricier:

"Has the U.S. government cancelled it's Netflix subscription yet? Maybe they should go back to school and get a better paying job"

12.And finally, this user thinks the government should just try working harder:

"Have they tried getting a second job?"

What are your thoughts on the debt ceiling drama? Do you have any helpful suggestions for the US government to pay off their debt? Let us know in the comments below!