If You Work A Job That Doesn't Require A College Degree But Pays Well, Tell Me More About It

If you're a millennial, you understand what it was like growing up, feeling the need to get a college degree — regardless if you knew what you wanted to do with your career or not.

students throwing their graduation caps into the air
Paul Bradbury / Getty Images

According to studies, fewer high school graduates are attending college and it's possible that the burden of student loan debt is likely a big part of the declining interest in college.

a college student walking alone
Blend Images - Peathegee Inc / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

So I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community, what job do you have that pays well but doesn't require a traditional college education? If you had to do some sort of training or apprenticeship in order to get that well-paying job, I'd love to know more about that too.

A designer picking out swatches
Tim Kitchen / Getty Images

Maybe you got a job in the medical field that required you to complete a few years of training and you're earning great money doing it, despite not getting a degree for this specific job.

hands being held
Luminola / Getty Images

Perhaps you did go to college but are now working in a well-paying field that doesn't have anything to do with what you got your degree in.

hands turning pages in a book
Grace Cary / Getty Images

Or maybe you decided to go to trade school, complete an apprenticeship, and are now earning six-figures without going the traditional 4-year college route.

  Image Source / Getty Images
Image Source / Getty Images

I'd love to hear more in this anonymous form or in the comments below.

Some responses might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.