Jimmy Kimmel Actually Made a Tiny Sully Musical Starring Matthew Broderick

Sure, why not?

Jimmy Kimmel is in New York this week, which means that his show is leaning really heavy on N.Y.C. themes. That includes having St. Vincent perform "New York." And making up a new, musical-specific man-on-the-street bit.

The show's crew went to the city's theater district to ask people to film reactions and positive reviews for a musical called Hudson, We Have a Problem, based on the story of Captain Sully Sullenberger. Kimmel points out that with musicals based on everything from King Kong to Mean Girls to the life of Cher, it's not necessarily crazy for there to be one about geese getting sucked into a jet engine and for Matthew Broderick to star in it. Apparently, enough passersby agreed, but the impressive part is that Kimmel actually produced a tiny version of the musical and got Broderick to come out for it.

Yes, it's silly, and watching geese-actors get woodchippered is a surprisingly dark turn. But is it really more ridiculous than Clint Eastwood directing Tom Hanks in the same story?