Jillian Michaels 7-Minute Fitness Challenge, Day 7: Foam Roll

Health and fitness expert Jillian Michaels created a 7-day challenge for Yahoo readers. Each day features a 7-minute calorie burning, strength building, confident boosting workout. Are you up to the challenge? This body-carving challenge is just the beginning. Michael’s is offering Yahoo Life readers an exclusive deal on her fitness app, which is stocked with a slew of effective 7-day workouts, and much more. Enjoy a free 7-day trial and a 3-month subscription for just $19.99 (usual price is $44.97), and 12-months for $59.99 (usual price is $179.88). Get the offer here, by cutting and pasting this link: jmfit.io

Video Transcript

JILLIAN MICHAELS: All right, it's day seven. You have completed this bad boy or at least you will have in about seven minutes. Because, do I need to say it again? It's the 7 Minute, 7 Day Fitness Challenge for Yahoo Life by yours truly, Jillian Michaels. but the person who did the work is you. so I really hope to take that in, because one of the best ways that we boost our self worth and we build our self image is by taking in, and really owning it, and celebrating our accomplishments.

So showing up seven days in a row is not easy, especially right now. And you've done that. You showed up for yourself. And today, we're going to have a little TLC with our full rolling session and a quick meditation. Let's jump right in.

We've got some work to do. Put your serious face on and let's crush this. Now let's foam roll our upper back in 30 seconds here. All right, rock and roll.

15 seconds.

Excellent. Moving on, time for foam roller lat stretch, left side. Let's do 30 seconds. Let's get rolling.

15 seconds.

Excellent. Next one. Time to foam roll the upper arm on your left side. I want you to go for 30 seconds. OK, get started.

15 seconds.

Good. Next exercise. OK, foam roller chest stretch. It's only 30 seconds, come on. OK, let's go.

Perfect. Next exercise. Now we're going to hit those lats on your right side with the foam roller. We've got 30 seconds here. Here we go.

15 seconds.

And finished. Next one. Now foam roller upper arm stretch, right side. Let's go for 30 seconds again.

15 seconds.

Excellent. Moving on. OK, foam roller glute stretch, left leg. Let's go for 30 seconds. Begin.

15 seconds.

OK. Done, moving on. Let's do foam roller glute stretch, right leg. I need you to go for 30 seconds. OK, let's go.

Good. Deep breath. Moving on. Now we're going to foam roll calf stretch with your left leg. Go, 30 seconds. And go.

15 seconds.

Perfect. Next exercise. Now foam roller calf stretch, right leg. Drag it out for 30. Start now.

Whoa. What a workout. Bravo, my friend. That was definitely a real calorie burner, but you did a great job getting through it. You should be proud. Catch you next time.

Congratulations, you have officially completed the 7 Minute, 7 Day Fitness Challenge with yours truly and Yahoo Life. and all transparency, it has been a real honor for me that you chose to spend your time with me, because no matter what role I get to play in your journey, whether it's big or small, it brings a ton of meaning and purpose in my life, so I'm extremely grateful.

And if you want to continue exploring our workouts together, I have an app with custom meal plans and personalized workouts and my entire DVD library is also in there. I also have seven minute free daily workouts. So please keep it going, right? Consistency is key. You can just download my app and get free seven minute workouts every day.