Jillian Michaels 7-Minute Fitness Challenge, Day 4: Abs and Core

Health and fitness expert Jillian Michaels created a 7-day challenge for Yahoo readers. Each day features a 7-minute calorie burning, strength building, confident boosting workout. Are you up to the challenge? This body-carving challenge is just the beginning. Michael’s is offering Yahoo Life readers an exclusive deal on her fitness app, which is stocked with a slew of effective 7-day workouts, and much more. Enjoy a free 7-day trial and a 3-month subscription for just $19.99 (usual price is $44.97), and 12-months for $59.99 (usual price is $179.88). Get the offer here, by cutting and pasting this link: jmfit.io

Video Transcript

JILLIAN MICHAELS: OK, team, welcome to day four of the 7 Minute, 7 Day Fitness Challenge for Yahoo Life. Today, we've got seven minutes of abs so you can strengthen that core, and get you looking and feeling your best. Let's get started.

Time for your daily circuit. All right, let's get rocking. Next up, ab circuit crunch. Go for 25 seconds. Ready, let's begin.

10 seconds.

Good. That one's done. Moving on. Next, modified boat pose. Go for 25 seconds. And we're off.

A lot of people really underestimate how powerful a pose can be. We always think that dynamic movements are best, and while they are really efficient, keeping a constant contraction in an exercise pose can also burn a ton of calories and accelerate your results.

Let's move on to the next exercise. Time for Superman. 25 seconds, let's go. Begin. Squeeze your glutes. To make Superman easier, simply raise the opposite arm and the opposite foot at the same time. 10 seconds. Raise your legs off the ground.

And finished. Next one. All right, plank with knee thrusts. Go for 25 seconds. And go. Don't allow your lower back to sag. In plank, always keep the tailbone taut, belly button pulled in. Don't allow your hips to come up in this position. Keep your body taut and bring your knees under nice and tight towards your chest. Work those abs. Excellent, moving on.

Next, modified windshield wipers. Go for 25 seconds. Ready, begin. Don't swing your legs. Keep your knees directly over your hips. Push your palms into the ground to stabilize your upper body.

We're finished. Next up, Everest climbers, no plyo. OK, I want you to go for 25 seconds. Begin. I love Everest climbers, because they have an increased range of motion from a mountain climber. Any exercise that increases your range of motion increases the efficiency and the potency of your workout. Just 10 more seconds left. Own this workout. You know what? Do it for you.

OK, nice work. Let's go to the next one. Time for sit ups. Go for 25 seconds. OK, get started. To make this move easier, please dumbbells on top of your feet. Lift off of the floor. 10 seconds.

Excellent. Next one. I want to see knee switches. Let's go for 25 seconds. Start now.

10 seconds.

Good. Moving on. Let's do Superman. Go for 25 seconds. Let's begin. To decrease the intensity of this move, simply raise the opposite arm and the opposite foot at the same time, and then switch. Superman is an incredible exercise for your upper back, your lower back, your glutes, and your hamstrings. Don't bring tension to your neck.

OK, done, moving on. Now twisting plank. Go for 25 seconds. OK, let's go. Don't shift your torso position. Don't allow your knee to drag on the ground. Don't hike your hips up. You've got 10 seconds left. Think about rotating your hips so that the knee comes under and across. Excellent, next one.

Coming up, modified sumo touchdowns. Go for 25 seconds. Here we go. Really try to understand your body to touch your ankles with each hand. Sumo touchdown is a great move for your obliques. 10 seconds.

OK, done, moving on. Next, mountain climbers, no plyo. Go for 25 seconds, begin. Don't even for a second think that you can't do this one. Because you know what-- if you fight for those limitations, you get to keep them. You are capable of anything you set your mind to. So you put your mind to this and you beat the crap out of this workout.

Quick, quick, quick. That's it for today. Walk around a little bit, cool off.

All right, we are done with day four. You're downhill on this thing, baby. We are past the halfway point. Tomorrow, we've got a seven minute leg workout. And remember-- the key is consistency. It doesn't have to be perfect. All that matters is that you show up and you show up with intention, and you're doing that. I can't ask for more than that. I'll see you tomorrow for our seven minute leg workout.