"Jib Pirate" Zak Mousseau Shows Off Creativity In New Edit

There is nothing cooler than a rider perceiving the trail in new ways. One rider who is great at this is Zak Mousseau.

Watch Mousseau shine in his new edit Jib Pirate below.

In this video, Zak hit jumps, plays on the bike, and even hops off a roof, much to the property owner’s disappointment.

Zak Mousseau is a biker and skier from British Columbia. He rides for Forbidden Bicycles.

Watch Zak and his teammates at Crankworx last year.

It is great to see a diversity of riding styles in bike videos. Zak is very unique in his riding, and there is no one quite like him. At a time when countless pros are putting out shredits, Mousseau’s unique style cuts through and differentiates himself.

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