Jewel on how her son is handling quarantine

Jewel on how her son is handling quarantine.

Video Transcript

- This is an anxious time for a lot of families. So I know you have a son, Kase. What have you been saying to him to sort of explain what's going on?

JEWEL KILCHER: He does know about the virus. But it hasn't had any of the massive fear and hysteria. He knows it's our duty to stay home. He knows the world's changing.

So there's definitely been adjustments, but there's a lot to remember as parents. Because we're suddenly homeschooling, we're suddenly trying to do our job, and have full-time teaching jobs with our children. And just remembering that our kids are going to remember the mood in the house much more than the details.

Don't sweat it. If you didn't get the lesson plan done, who cares? Your kid's going to get to college. They're going to be fine. The mood in the house is what you don't want to sacrifice. You know, the math lesson that day isn't as important as the mood and the experience the child's having.