Jewel on anxiety: 'it's not an enemy'

Jewel on anxiety: 'it's not an enemy'

Video Transcript

- You've said that your anxiety has been one of your greatest teachers. How so and what was that process and journey like for you?

JEWEL KILCHER: I started realizing that anxiety was my body's way of telling me something wasn't right. And that's good. So when you start to see it as an ally, it really helps. It's not an enemy.

We have a tendency with our less attractive personality traits to want to cut them off, disassociate from them. And I've really learned that if I sit and I invite them in and go, all right, what are you trying to tell me, I learn something. I learn usually that, oh, I was just scaring myself with all my thoughts. And I need to be more thoughtful about curating what thoughts I'm engaging in.