Jessica Williams fangirling over joining the “Harry Potter” universe with “Fantastic Beasts” is all of us

Jessica Williams fangirling over joining the “Harry Potter” universe with “Fantastic Beasts” is all of us
Jessica Williams fangirling over joining the “Harry Potter” universe with “Fantastic Beasts” is all of us

If you haven’t yet experienced the pure joy that is Jessica Williams, you’re missing out. Not only is her podcast 2 Dope Queens hilarious, but she also stars in the very charming The Incredible Jessica James, which you can stream on Netflix. And all of that’s on top of her previous work on The Daily Show.

But the project that Williams (and we) are really psyched for is her role in the upcoming film Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them 2. Adding Williams to the Harry Potter universe is one of the best ideas anyone has ever had. We don’t know much about her character yet, but rest assured she will be, well, incredible.

Williams joined the cast back in October. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Williams mentioned that she’d be leaving for London to start filming soon. She also explained how the project came about. Here’s how it went down: J.K. Rowling and Williams have been friends for a while; they struck up a Twitter friendship back in 2013. They finally met IRL this past July, hanging out in London and we guess officially becoming BFFs.

Well, that meeting set the stage for Williams to join the upcoming much-anticipated Fantastic Beasts sequel.

“I hung out with J.K. [Rowling], and she had reached out to me a couple of days after we met. She sent me these emails about this really amazing character that she had been working on. It’s really exciting… like my wildest dream.”

⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️. Cool. Now that we've established that I'm dead- I met FREAKING JKROWLING (aka Jo Jo- lol she lets me call her that. So ignorant.) originally like a month ago. Obviously we all know that I've been a Harry Potter nut since I was 10 years old so I was very nervous to meet one of my sheroes for the first time. What would I wear? What do you say at the alter (lmaooo)? What if we like...don't get along? Will I quit reading books forever because we don't get along? So I hung out with Jojo and was relieved that we got on verrrrry well and I was so stoked because meeting your heroes can be a real toss up of either cupcakes or dog doodoo if you know what I mean. This right here was cupcakes. We had like a legit full six hours of drinks and cocktails. Did I lowkey tear up during dinner? Yes. Am I aware that it was a trash bonkers thing to do over dinner while she's biting into her plate of veggies? Yes. But any sort of extreme emotion makes my eyes well up. #standinginmytruth #therealme #lovemeforme. Anyway- I had so much fun talking about life/politics/thesims with her over 25 cocktails that I felt like a realllll dweeblord for FORGETTING to snag a photo. The following day my mom tried to comfort me after I forgot to get a photo by saying "That's okay baby. You guys hung out for you two only and not social media." She was low key very correct but also she's my mother so I was like "." So cut to last night- and (wildly)I'm hanging out with the Khaleesi again and I was on my way out the damn door and was like "......wait I'm sorry can I get a photo? For my Instagram?? (I know such )" She was like "yes Jess of course!" So we took a few photos and yes she's a major babe and here she is on my IG feed for the both you And me to enjoy. ⚰️ #eatcraylove #jkrowling #harrypotter

A post shared by Jessica Williams (@msjwilly) on Jul 20, 2017 at 9:49am PDT

Apparently, Williams has been a diehard Harry Potter fan since day one.

“Those movies and books, especially the books, were so important to me. I could not have fathomed that when I was in the fourth grade reading these books, there would be a character I play that exists in this universe. It’s insane to me.”

The interview also details Williams’ obsession with The Sims.

Yes, you read that correctly: The Sims. Celebrities: They’re just like us! Williams and Rowling have bonded over their shared obsession for the game, which we can totally relate to. And Williams even got to visit the Electronic Arts headquarters!

Sul Sul! Today was a good day. With @sallywallylee

A post shared by Jessica Williams (@msjwilly) on Oct 6, 2017 at 9:10pm PDT

Our biggest dream is to sit on a couch with J.K. Rowling and Jessica Williams and play The Sims with Fantastic Beasts 2 streaming in the background. Maybe one day.