Jesse Lindloff's Shallow End Slappy Crook Combo Is Insane: You Don't See This Every Day

Jesse Lindloff skates with an infectious kind of aggression. I'm not saying he's mad, but he skates like he's mad at whatever he's skating. He tears through pool coping, smacks his tail with pride, will noseblunt waist high ledges and beyond.

This slappy crook to backside lipslide was one of the cooler tricks I've seen in a while. Something about it got me stoked, as basically of Jesse's skating typically does.

Even just the normal slappy crook itself is insane. That shallow end looks steep and unforgiving. Literally a wall! And for anyone who doesn't skate tight transition or real backyard pools, it's kind of impossible to imagine.

Getting into the grind is always one thing, and actually taking that grind a decent distance is another. But popping out of said grind comes with an entirely separate level of difficulty.

From the time he rolls in and catches his speed to the time he's popping out of that blunt fakie, it's like everything happens in one fluid motion. Luckily Peacock was there behind the lens to secure the clip, adding another page to this duos book of bangers.

Jesse knows his way around an empty pool, that's for sure. And I'll never get tired of watching him.

Video / @peacocksk8

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