New Jersey man uses two bowling balls to score back-to-back strikes

It’s not every day that you encounter a bowling flex like this.

Orion Woodard may not be a professional bowler but he’s certainly no amateur. Woodard, who’s from New Jersey, went bowling every week for two years before scoring his hardest trick shot in 2018. The old clip has resurfaced thanks to Sports Center resharing it on Instagram. It might be two years later but it just doesn’t get old.

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“Finally got my hardest trick shot,” Woodard wrote on Instagram. “My neighbor Zak said I would never be able to do it so I had to deliver. Thanks for the motivation buddy.”

The trick uses two bowling balls to score two consecutive strikes. First, Woodard spins a bowling ball down the lane. The ball rotates on its axis as it slowly makes its way to the end. In the meantime, Woodard grabs a second ball. He throws it over the revolving ball and easily scores a strike.

Meanwhile, the first ball is still spinning down the lane as the machine resets the pins. By the time the pins are placed the ball reaches the end. It knocks down all of the pins and Woodard lands another strike.

The trickshot required mastering two techniques and then perfectly timing them — impressive. It’s no wonder the video nabbed 2.3 million views on Instagram.

“I have always like to be challenged,” Woodard told Express Digest in 2018. “So when I started bowling with friends they would challenge me to do random trick shots then it just became a thing every week.”

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