This New Jersey home is a holiday extravaganza and decked out in more than 75,000 lights!

New Jersey native Johnny Rose is a spitting image of Santa Claus himself, and his festive home might as well be the North Pole.

Video Transcript

JOHNNY RHOADS: People, when they come here every year, they love doing it, because they never know what to expect. It's not the same every year. You don't know what you're going to be in for.

The beard's real. There we go. People are like, you know who you look like? And I tell them, well, who do I look like? And they'll go, Santa, and I say, you got it.

Hi, I'm Johnny Rhoads. I am the creator of Johnny's Hazlet Holiday Lights Extravaganza, and I love Christmas. I've been doing Christmas lights for about 50 years. My mother started it out when I was a kid, about 13.

She started teaching me lights, how to decorate the tree, decorate some of the outside. She knew that she could always count on me to help her out, but you know, it made us feel better. You know, we always knew we were there for each other. For my plan, it starts in January. My brother will help me, like he'll come by and ask if I need something.

- I'm always in awe of my brother's display, because there's stuff that he comes out with. It's just amazing to me, because I would never think of it. What did Johnny Rhoades come up with this year?

JOHNNY RHOADES: You sit there, and I stand there. And I'm looking at it, and you're trying to picture this without being up yet. I start with the front of the house. Now, in the driveway, I put 30 to 35 feet of tunnel in there, and I put all lights in there. And they run to it, like a little computer playing music. So they blink to that.

I do a winter wonderland. I put all white lights in there, so I built a shed for Santa now. Then I start setting some of the blow ups, and I'll spend out of my pocket, like, $3,000. I like to show my way, because I know how the lights go up. I know what I'm looking for.

This is the top row first. Never to the bottom, because when they cross over, they're a pain. They'd separate.

It's hard, because I like, in my mind, what I got. And I have to do that way, or it's no way. My unique features, see, I have a holy area feature over here. In the holy area feature, I have two angels. My daughter passed away at-- my daughter was 13. She passed away with cancer at Christmas.

Last year, I lost my granddaughter, December 20. This is our way of, like, communicating to our daughter and granddaughter. The granddaughter, she had a little girl, two years old.

Now, we have to explain to her what happened. I mean, it's hard, and kids miss your mother. And she misses her, so we told her that the angel is her mother.

So she looks at the angel and called her mom, so this is our way. We try to teach kids, you know? Different things happen in life, but it's hard, very hard. But that's why it's so special to us, that area.

The township here has a light display. I had the police department. They put signs up. You know, the neighbors are very good with it. They all come over here every night.

Their kids walk around and enjoy their selves every night. It's all about kids. It ain't about us. It's about the kids, and we have to be there for the kids.

- We have a line all the way down around here. They're just non-stop, especially the week of Christmas. Santa is out here from, like, a quarter to 6:00 to 11 o'clock at night.

JOHNNY RHOADES: In my house here, I never took money from nobody for donations or anything for years. Over the past couple of years, people, what they were doing, they would come, and they would want to leave a tip for Santa because of pictures and all that. So I said, no, no, no, it's all free.

You don't pay for nothing. This is for the kids. They were leaving money in my mailbox, different areas. What I do, when people leave the charity money, I'll donate a little bit into the electric, and then I take the rest. And I donate to different charities in the neighborhood.

- I'm so proud of my brother, and the people, when they come, just the joy on their faces. And they all think Johnny Rhoades is the best.

JOHNNY RHOADES: I like to do this tradition every year, because to me, it means excitement. I think that somebody should always have a house that everybody wants to go to and can get decorations, and I love getting involved with this kind of thing every year. So to me, it's a good tradition, and I'll keep that thing going forever.