Jeremy Jones Reacts To Pros Hitting Huge Backcountry Jump

You know you're doing something right when legendary snowboarder Jeremy Jones is impressed.

Jones recorded the clip below of professional snowboarders Danila Shipilov and Garrett Warnick hitting a huge backcountry jump. Check it out and listen to Jones' reactions:

Caption: "You mind if we stop for 20 minutes so we can session this wind-lip?” It was day 5 of a camping trip, sweltering hot and we still had many hours of hiking left to get back to the trail head. I happily posted up in the shade while @buckwheatboarder and @instagarry sessioned this thing."

The caption leads me to believe that this little jump session was completely spontaneous, and that makes it even better.

Some of life's best moments come from spontaneous decisions. Take my trip to Loveland Ski Area, CO a few season ago as an example.

I convinced my then-girlfirend to join me on a 35-hour, roundtrip drive from Wisconsin to Denver for a long weekend of skiing at Loveland. We scored fresh powder, encountered surprisingly minimal crowds, and had a blast.

I don't regret that trip for one second, but there are certainly some other things in that relationship that I would take back...

No matter. That story is for another time.

For now, go ahead and watch that video again. It should hopefully distract you from the massive cliffhanger I just dropped.

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