Jennifer Love Hewitt's Friendship with Betty White Is Goals


We all wish that we could thank Betty White for being our friend, but Jennifer Love Hewitt actually does. No, the two don't bond over being in '90s horror films (that would be pretty one-sided) or their love of cheesecake (a universal fact, right?). After working together on The Lost Valentine, a 2011 Hallmark Movie, Hewitt says that they became fast friends, which includes Big Gulp-size cocktails, Gummy Bears, and obviously plenty of laughs.

Hewitt told James Corden that her time with White is always "perfect." What's not to love when drinking and gummies are involved? After having three huge cocktails with dinner, Hewitt says the two just hung out and had the best time.

"Shut the front door and lock it; she's perfect," Hewitt said. "We got drunk, and we had Gummy Bears — it was amazing."

RELATED: Betty White's Secrets to a Happy Life Include "Vodka and Hot Dogs"

With White's 97th birthday today, here's hoping Hewitt can clear her schedule for the celebration. According to Closer, White's plans seem less rowdy than that fateful night, but still involves plenty of fun. If anyone thinks that her age is keeping her from having a great time, think again. Her pals insist that she's still as sharp as ever.

"She has her chef cook — Betty loves Italian food — and just likes to sit with friends, sing show tunes, and have fun. She's always been low-key about birthdays," a source told the magazine. "Her celebrations are easy: buffet food, a professional piano player, and just a lovely vibe."

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For Hewitt and anyone else looking to follow in White's happy footsteps, she did let her friends in on the secret. It's advice anyone can lean on.

"Her secrets are to have a positive outlook, a sense of humor, and not take anything — especially herself — too seriously," a friend said.