Jennifer Garner Had the Perfect Response to a Fan Who Asked If She's Pregnant

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

  • Jennifer Garner had the perfect response to an Instagram follower who randomly asked if she's pregnant.

  • PSA: maybe don't ask strangers (or anyone) if they're pregnant, internet!

Jennifer Garner put on a pair of overalls hopped on Instagram yesterday to introduce everyone to her family's herd of cows, one of whom was casually licking its own butt. In other words, just a regular day scrolling Instagram. But because the internet is never not the most uggghhhhhhh, a follower felt the need to hop into Jennifer's comments and bluntly ask: "are you pregnant?"

Related video: This smoothie keeps Jennifer Garner fit

I's obviously never okay to speculate about a person's body—especially when the person you're talking to is a legit stranger on the internet. But Jennifer had a pretty solid response, saying:

"I am 48, have 3 healthy kids, and am not—and never will be—pregnant. We can lay that pupper to rest. Have I gained the Covid 19? Possibly. But that is another story." Comments by Celebs pretty perfectly put it in their caption: stop asking women if they’re pregnant 2020.

Also, while we're on the subject of Jennifer Garner, here's this video, you're welcome.

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