Jennifer Aniston Just Revealed Exactly How She Looks and Feels 'Fantastic' at 49

Photo credit: Rich Fury - Getty Images
Photo credit: Rich Fury - Getty Images

From Woman's Day

During an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on Thursday, Jennifer Aniston, who will be celebrating her 50th birthday in February, revealed to the talk show host that she feels "fantastic" - and boy, does she look it! However, her approach to looking and feeling great isn’t as effortless as some might think. The actress, whose new movie Dumplin' hits Nexflix on Friday, has never been shy about sharing all of her fitness and diet tips with the world.

Here are a few of the ways she manages to stay looking and feeling fantastic:

She boxes with a trainer.

During her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Aniston attributed her 'fantastic' mood to her boxing sessions with trainer Leyon Azubuike, who the star refers to as her 'gentle giant.' She says, 'He calls me champ, and it's not weird!" Later she added, "I never thought someone would be able to call me champ and I would be okay [with it]. 'Hey champ! We gotta get [your heart rate] up to 80, champ!'"

She adds variety to her workouts.

In 2016 she revealed to Harper's Bazaar that she breaks down her workout into 15-minute segments. First, she does 15 minutes of quad exercises, followed by 15 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes of spinning, then 15 minutes running. She completes her routine with floor work, doing portions of the Body by Simone DVD, which she describes as "so freakin' hard, it's unbelievable."

She loves yoga.

Unless you live under a rock, you are well aware that Aniston is a devoted yogi. The star has been training with "Yogalosophy" creator Mandy Ingber for more than 15 years. "When I started doing yoga with Mandy, I noticed many things," she testified on Ingber's website. "My legs getting leaner. My arms getting stronger, and most importantly, I noticed an inner strength." Aniston is such a fan of her yoga instructor, that she even appears in some of her yoga DVDs.

She maintains a healthy - and filling - diet.

No, Jennifer doesn't deprive herself of food. Instead she nourishes her body with a super healthy diet.

Earlier this year, Jennifer revealed what she eats every morning to Well + Good, and it is freakishly healthy. She starts her day with a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon, followed by a shake for breakfast with "some sort of pure protein," bananas, blueberries, frozen cherries, Stevia, a vegetable mix of dynamic greens, maca powder, cacao as well as collagen peptide - which she claims is a game-changer. "My nails are stronger and there's a healthier … how do you explain it? A glow. It's sort of that working from the inside-out thing," she said. If she forgoes the shake. she will replace it with toast and poached eggs with avocado or millet cereal with almond milk and bananas.

In 2016, she told Elle that her lunch usually consists of "some form of vegetables or salad with protein - pretty basic," and dinner is "probably the same." In between meals, she will snack on "maybe an apple and almond butter" or just some nuts and an apple.

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