Jenna Jameson’s Back On Keto And She Just Posted Her ‘Before’ Photo

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Delish

  • Jenna Jameson announced in an Instagram post in December that she was taking a break from the keto diet.

  • But today the actress shared a detailed post on social media about hopping back on the restrictive diet plan.

  • "I’m super excited to show everyone progress pics," she wrote in her post.

Jenna Jameson has been a proud advocate of the keto diet. She lost over 80 pounds while on keto last year and has shared with her followers plenty of tips and fun ways to sneak in your favorite fast foods without going completely off the rails.

But in December she announced in an Instagram post that she was thinking of quitting the restrictive diet plan.

"Confession. I’ve gained 20 pounds. Ugh. I decided to take a break from #keto and live my best carby life. The weight came back fast and furious. I know a lot of people are quitting keto because it’s hard to maintain and after a year and a half I concur. Not sure if I’m going to go back full force or just calorie count," Jenna wrote in her post.

But it looks the model is ready to hop back on the keto train.

Today she shared a photo of herself on Instagram, with a lengthy caption detailing her decision to give keto a try again. Jenna wrote, "Here’s my jumping off point back into #keto I’m 153 pounds 😖 I went shopping this morning at Trader Joe’s (I’m in LA for a few days) I got my trusty arugula salad, garlic spread, sliced pastrami, Persian cucumbers and zucchini noodles and some grass fed butter. It’s time to take off 30 pounds! I’m slowly edging back into #intermittentfasting but I’m ravenous because I’ve truly been eating everything and anything 🤦🏼♀️ I’m super excited to show everyone progress pics! How’s everyone else doing on their 2020 goals?

Good luck, Jenna!

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