Jenna Fischer Handles a Wardrobe Malfunction Like Pam from The Office Would

Jenna Fischer Handles a Wardrobe Malfunction Like Pam from The Office Would

Do you have a favorite episode? Man, that's so hard. I know. It's gotta be impossible. I feel like as a fan it's hard for me to say a favorite so. Not only do I have favorite episodes, but sometimes I have a favorite cold open. Like when Dwight tried to trick Telling us about fire safety and like set the office on fire. And never and trapped us inside. Yeah right. And I threw, turns out I was hiding a cat in a drawer of course. [LAUGH] I threw my cat in the ceiling. Save Bandit. [SOUND] Everyone went nuts. Like people were trying to throw the copier out the window. Like that was one of my favorite things [MUSIC] Definitely a classic scene. Well Angela Kinsey is very busy. She's appearing in Season 2 of the Netflix series Haters Back Off. And is also gearing up to celebrate her first anniversary with her husband Josh after merging their two families together including two cats and two dogs. Yikes watch this. They brought so much life and adventure to Isabel and I. And I hope the same, but it is interesting cuz they have two boys and two cats. And I had a daughter and two dogs. And so when we all moved in together, it was like a little bit of, I call it delightful chaos. [LAUGH] The dogs, the cats, the boys, and It is fun though. What's the biggest thing that surprised you, after this first year? Josh doesn't shut a single cabinet. Not a single cabinet. It's like I'm Vanna White [LAUGH]. I just walk through the house [LAUGH] and I just shut cabinets. And I shut drawers. I'm like, what, how did all these, what? What in your head makes you thing you don't- I know, I know. Have to shut cabinets? I told Jenna, I was like, I think it's so cute. And she was like, this is how I know you're. You are newlyweds, cuz you think it's cute. But at some point you're gonna think [SOUND]. But I still am like, aw, he was in the kitchen. Aw [LAUGH]

File this one under "starsare just like us."

Former Office star Jenna Fischer, who played receptionist Pam Beesly on the show, pulled a total Pam move when she walked out on Jimmy Kimmel Live in a towel and jeans. Why? Because of a major wardrobe malfunction she suffered right before the show went live.

Rather than hide in her dressing room, the actress strutted out on stage like a boss carrying the dress she was going to wear in her hand.

“So, this was my outfit ... and I waited too long to get dressed ... and the zipper broke and I panicked,” Fischer quickly said as the late night host burst into giggles. “I am a Missouri girl and the show must go on.”

Surprisingly though, the Splitting Up Together actress was able to keep her composure during her interview, even saying she had “never been more comfortable” as she lounged in the very laid back look. “I’m mentally a little freaked out that I’m in a talk show in a towel, but I’m physically very comfortable,” she added with a laugh.

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This is why we love Jenna Fischer. She simply goes with the flow.

And we weren’t the only ones who felt like she was our BFF during the whole dress fiasco. Fans flooded social media not only giving her props for the move, but asking how she could possibly look that good in a towel.

Pam would be proud.