19 People Who Have Zero Filter And Said Exactlyyyy What They Felt During A Breakup

Let's be honest — there's no such thing as an "easy" breakup. Emotions run high, and it can be super easy to go from a simple "things aren't working out" conversation to something wayyyyy messier and more heated.

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So, Redditor u/MrDumpworth asked, "Dear Reddit, what is the worst thing YOU have said during a breakup?" I've gotta say — a lot of people were refreshingly honest and reflective in their answers. Here are 19 of the worst things they said:

1."Two months after our breakup, she asked me if I missed her. I told her I missed her parents more than I missed her."


2."The breakup wasn't my choice, but when he tried a few weeks later to reconnect, I said, 'Oh, I've actually been really happy since we've been apart. I don't think I could get back together now.' My sister called me savage for it, but I wasn't trying to be mean. It was the truth, and I just hadn't realized it up until the thought of taking him back filled me with dread."


3."The relationship was toxic and she was a gold digger. She said she needed about $10K a month to be able to continue dating me. I was very vulnerable at the time and she thought she could manipulate me. My response was, 'Jen, you're just not that pretty.' I finished my scotch and walked out for good."


guy with a fist to his mouth in surprise

4."I said, 'You are a 30-year-old loser. Stop going to clubs to be the 'DJ,' because people actually make fun of you.' Ahhhh, stupid, younger me. I would never say something like that now. I was very hurt because he was with someone else a month after our 3+ years relationship."

"But we are good now, and I wish him all the very best in the world. He was a good guy, but we were simply not right for each other. I just wanted to damage his ego because mine was damaged."


5."She asked if I wanted to break up because there was someone else. I said, 'No, it's just you.'"


6."I told her that she’d never be anything other than a side chick and that she should be happy she even made it that far. I regret that every day. I was such a dick for no reason."


7."The relationship had been on the decline for almost a year. We fought, fucked, and slept. It wasn't anything resembling a healthy relationship. By the end we were essentially live-in friends with benefits. After our last fight, we finally had the breakup conversation. When she said, 'It's not you, it's me.' I said, 'Finally, something we can agree on!' and started packing. I was moved out by 6 a.m. the next morning."

"We both had our issues, and truthfully neither one of us was more at fault than the other, but I was a vindictive prick who always had to have the last word back then."


woman with eyes wide in concern
woman with eyes wide in concern


8."When I was in college, I broke up with a girl I shared a flat with. Her friend was moving in when I was moving out, so I was left with the task of listing out the gas and electric suppliers as well as how to change the fuses. It was an old building, so I wrote a flow diagram for them. But... I got a little drunk, and in addition to all the 'how to's' of the flat, I also included escalation points and alternative routes for when my ex was being a bitch. The next day, I was hungover and forgot to erase that last part from the diagram. It didn't go down well when she found out later.'


9."She said we could still be friends, and I told her that we weren't friends before we started dating, and it was unlikely that we would be after."


10."She was breaking up with me, and I told her, 'You know, you're right, and I agree. We aren't very compatible, and our relationship has been on the decline for some time.' Those were my true thoughts and feelings. I felt a sense of relief when she broke up with me because I realized it was the best move for the both of us. So why was this the worst thing to say? Well, it made her want to double down on the relationship."

"I was bombarded with non-stop texts, phone calls, and unannounced visits to my apartment. Apparently breaking up things amicably was not how she wanted it to go. I think she was adamant she leave with the upper hand."


11."I said, 'Our values are too different, you're a racist cunt, and I hope your life crumbles.' This was after she screamed a slur at a Black guy for walking in the road while we drove around him. She also made awkward racist diatribes against Mexican men. And with these events happening within maybe 24 hours, I thought, OK, yeah she's racist, time to leave. So she'd do these talks about our relationship, and it was always the same garbage. So I interrupted her with the above, cut the cord, and asked her to leave. She did."

"Then she slammed me on social media. I replied with some screenshots she sent me of some racist shit, and people quickly turned against her. She ended up reaching out to me a few times a year later trying to get me back. It was weird and she was still awful, so I pushed her away and blocked."


someone putting their shades on after making a yikes face
someone putting their shades on after making a yikes face


12."Someone once told my aunt they were breaking up with her because she was a dead beat who was going nowhere in life. So, she became a doctor out of spite."


13."I wrote a breakup poem once when I was a teen. The last line was, 'In my eyes you have died and shame shall be your grave.'"


14."'I just don't enjoy the time we spend together.' It was true. She was pretty selfish and entitled, but not a villain or anything terrible. I just wasn't on guard when I should have been and she kept asking why I wanted to break up. I still feel bad about it because I believe that was the moment she knew there was no way we were going to ever work it out."


15."'No one will ever love you like I do.' At the time, I was young and that's really how I felt. In retrospect, it was mean and manipulative. We're now both in happy marriages now."


16."I broke up with a guy on his birthday. I told him, 'It’s not just because you’re a bad boyfriend. I don’t like you as a person.' He tried to rekindle things a year later, but I told him, 'The only thing we had in common was drinking, and I stopped drinking.'"


woman shrugging

17."I was in a really toxic relationship with someone who tried making me feel responsible for their happiness and wouldn't let me go a day without constantly trying to be by my side. He had some pretty strong abandonment issues and when I finally had had enough of being treated like a therapist, I broke it off. He said I was abandoning him and I said, 'Maybe if you were someone worth being around, the people around you wouldn't be itching to leave you.'"

"I wanted it to be over and done with, and tried to leave it peacefully, but he decided he wanted to make it into a huge argument where things did get heated. I wouldn't have said it if it weren't for how high the emotions were at the time."


18."Our relationship was messy. He wanted to continue, I was done. I looked him in the eye and said, 'One day we’ll come back here [to our hometown] and be engaged…and it won’t be to each other.' I could literally see his heart break."


19.And finally, "I was avoiding my (then) boyfriend because I was so uncomfortable around him towards the end of our relationship, but I agreed to meet up with him on my way to work to talk. We were parked in a Wendy’s parking lot. I got into his car and broke up with him. He cried. He didn't say much else, so I said, 'Are you done crying? My Asiago club sandwich is getting cold…I’m gonna go.' I was 18 and I literally would never do that now. Like, I cringe thinking about it, because he was really nice. But we all say stupid things in life."


BuzzFeeders — now it's your turn. What's the worst thing you've ever said during a break up? Tell us in the comments below or via this completely anonymous form.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.