Jeffree Star Reignites His Feud With Huda Kattan: "Tell Huda Beauty to F*ck Off"

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Seventeen

Following his fiery drama with Thomas Halbert, Jeffree Star has taken to Twitter to feud with yet another beauty YouTuber. This time, he came for the biggest in the biz – the one and only Huda Kattan.

The jab came as a response to a tweet from makeup artist Cole Carrigan. He tweeted about receiving a PR package from Huda Beauty, to which Jeffree said: "Tell Huda Beauty to f*ck off and use products from someone with a soul."


This isn't the first time Jeffree came for Huda. Their feud started back in July, when Jeffree posted a video accusing her of stealing the concept for her Easy Bake Setting Powder from indie brand Beauty Bakerie, a claim that has been loudly echoed within the beauty community

Jeffree spilled all the tea in his "A Full Face of Brands That Hate Me" video, comparing screenshots of Huda's collection to Beauty Bakerie's.

"I'm all for people being inspired by other brands but when you literally steal the exact concept and photoshoot from a indie brand – how do you sleep at night?," the vlogger asked.

"The entire packaging idea was stolen and I don’t understand why. I would love to support this collection, but if you’re going to steal from someone and not acknowledge it – can’t relate."

Following the drag, he apparently reached out to Huda – and then posted the resulting conversation on Twitter.

In the screenshots, Jeffree addresses his video, telling Huda: "I don't have any personal problems with you and I know there is no hate, my title of my video had nothing to do with you..."

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

The conversation got bloody from there. Jeffree went IN on the YouTuber, saying:

You refuse to admit you're a THIEF.. And if you will never acknowledge stealing from Beauty Bakerie, just know you're a horrible person. You also have issues with people of color and the LGBTQ community so you have ALOT more problems to worry about. Sad that such poison exists in this beauty community thanks to YOU.

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

After posting the DMs on Twitter, Jeffree went on a tweet spree making it clear that until Huda apologizes, he won't be supporting her or her brand. has reached out to Huda Beauty for comment. Jeffree Star has requested that Seventeen "never" email him for comment again.

Kelsey is the style editor at Follow her on Instagram!

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