Jeff Probst Reveals What He Packs to Film ‘Survivor’ in the Jungle

Jeff Probst has been hosting “Survivor” for 17 years, traveling to tropical locations all over the globe, so what essentials always make it into his suitcase?

The locations are super remote and he spends six weeks in the field, so it makes sense that he would have to bring a boatload of random stuff, right? Not so fast. Jeff says, “I used to pack so much stuff, and at the end of a shoot, after six weeks, I’d look at my suitcase and 75 percent of it, I had not touched.”

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“Now,” he says, “I [pack] shaving cream, razors, underarm deodorant, shampoo, sunscreen and then like 10 t-shirts, a couple pairs of shorts and a pair of tennis shoes. There’s not much you need out there.”

The 34th season of the CBS hit reality show, which premieres tonight, features “Game Changers,” former contestants who are known for playing hard. Jeff and his colleagues behind the scenes take that same approach: “We still care about [the show] the same way that we did 17 years ago.”

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If he played the game himself, what would be his weakness? “My mouth,” he says, admitting his social game might have issues.

Watch the video above to find out why Jeff told her she’s “the nicest person.”

WATCH: From 'Survivor' Host to Relationship Adviser: Jeff Probst Counsels Disputing Couples

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