Jed Waters and Liam Baxter Throw Down At Mammoth Unbound

Mammoth Mountain is a spring and summer skiing paradise. And no, they're not paying me to say that. It's just that I've spent the past month watching clip after clip of skiers having an absolute gas with Mammoth's cornucopia of terrain park offerings.

And when you've seen what I've seen, not concluding that Mammoth is the place to be during the warmer months is impossible. This video from Line athletes Jed Waters and Liam Baxter is another drop in the resort's already-overflowing spring skiing bucket.

Perfect. While I'm not the biggest park skier around, I'm known to hit jumps and the occasional rail when things soften up in the spring. Mammoth's Unbound parks look prime for these sorts of spring shenanigans.

And how about the skiing from Jed Waters and Liam Baxter? These guys know what they're doing, putting two wacky Line ski models, the Blade, and the Sakana, to perfect use.

I'm itching to get back on skis, if you can't tell. Sure, I love watching all the fun being had at Mammoth and elsewhere. But deep down, it makes me jealous. Like, really jealous.

Barring a surprise ski trip to California, though, it's looking like I'll need to sustain myself on memories of my final day on the slopes and online ski videos if I'm going to avoid succumbing to a vicious bout of summer skier fever.

If you have the schedule flexibility to make it down to Mammoth this summer, the resort plans to keep spinning its lifts until at least July, weather and conditions permitting.

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