Jasmine Roth Is Looking for Homeowners to Be on HGTV’s “Help! I Wrecked My House”—Here's How to Apply

Photo credit: HGTV
Photo credit: HGTV
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If you've ever wanted to be on an HGTV show, now is your chance! In a recent Instagram post, Jasmine Roth revealed that “Help! I Wrecked My House” is now casting for its third season—and all you have to do is submit an online form or send an email in order to be considered.

In Roth's post, she encourages anyone who can answer "yes" to any of the following questions to apply to be on the series:

  • Did you start a renovation or home redesign and are unable to finish?

  • Do you have a renovation budget of $75K or more?

  • Do you live within 30 minutes of Huntington Beach, CA?

  • Did you gut part of your house and need help putting it back together?

  • Did you neglect to upkeep your home and are now in dire straits?

  • Did you hire a contractor who bailed mid-project and left you with an unfinished job?

In “Help! I Wrecked My House," Roth helps homeowners complete troublesome home renovation projects, including ones involving major water damage, failed DIY ventures, termite infestations, and less than pleasant contractors.

So, if you've hit a roadblock in your own home reno, you could turn your experience into an episode of the show! Just send am email to castingcall@rtrmedia.com, detailing your situation and contact information, or fill out this form.

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