The January New Moon in Capricorn Will Affect These 4 Zodiac Signs the Most

The 28-day lunar cycle is constantly coming and going, but the journey always begins with the new moon. And if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by the new moon, you’re ready to start writing a story that has major significations for what your future holds. Knowing what type of astrological energy you’re working with makes it so much easier to harness what is at your disposal.

The most pivotal moments of the lunar cycle to happen at two different phases: the new moon and the full moon. While the new moon is a more gentle nuanced experience, the full moon is always intense and climactic. And while the new moon may not seem as important, it’s actually the new moon that represents the start of something new, kickstarting a new whole chapter of your life. For instance: if you get involved with a new person or start your next financial venture during a new moon, it will take shape by the time the corresponding full moon takes place six months later. If you start a new relationship, there will be a change in that relationship by the full moon. If you start saving up for a new car, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to afford that car by the full moon. That’s why all the feelings and emotions associated with a new moon are often incredibly revealing, as they contain hints as to what your future has in store.

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During a new moon, remember that beginnings can feel just as scary as endings can feel sad and beautiful at the same time. If you’re currently feeling overwhelmed by the unknown future, get in the present moment. Baby steps is all that it takes.

Taking place on January 11 at 6:57 a.m. ET, the upcoming new moon takes place in hardworking, determined, resilient, and karmic Capricorn, encouraging you to rethink your work ethic and the way you’re choosing to bring your goals into reality. Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn—planet of boundaries and traditions—this new moon may carry a heavy weight to it, and that’s all part of its magic. Because Saturn is currently moving through Pisces—a zodiac sign that’s centered on spirituality and artistic abundance—it’s time to find empathy and truth without getting carried away.

Because this new moon forms a trine with innovative Uranus—which happens to be in Taurus—there’s a good chance it will take you down a path you’ve never traversed before. Uranus is all about taking revolutionary steps toward a better future, and with money-making Taurus in the mix, you can use this new moon to set goals surrounding your finances and work-related projects. But as it squares off with the North Node in Aries, there may be some conflict between what you want to do and what you’re meant to be doing.

These Zodiac Signs Will Feel the New Moon the Most

If your sun signmoon sign or—most importantly—your rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming new moon in Capricorn could signify a meaningful turning point in your life. Here’s why:


You’re on the top of everyone’s newsfeed lately, Aries. After all, this new moon is sending power right to your 10th house of public image, inspiring you to put out a game-changing press release or start the process of sharpening your reputation and elevating your social standing. You have the ability to cultivate some serious success right now, especially if you’re willing to sign up for a challenge, start pursuing what matters to you, or simply apply to new jobs. However, this new moon could also come with critiques that point you in the direction of self-improvement. All the professional goals you set right now will have the power of the lunar cycle on its side, adding to your momentum. This new moon will add fuel to the fire of your professional pursuits, heightening your desire to achieve and other people’s desire to help you achieve. Every Aries thrives when their pride is at stake. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Brace yourself, because your relationships are gearing up for so many meaningful changes, Cancer. Get ready to process a new understanding of what it means to be someone’s partner, and whether this partnership is platonic, romantic, or business-related, you’re feeling motivated to strengthen them beyond what you’ve known in the past. This new moon is activating your seventh house of lovers, friendships, spouses, and enemies, allowing you to come to terms with who the main characters in your life are and the roles that each of them play in your life. You’re also looking more deeply into the influence you have over others and how you contribute to your relationships for the long haul. The dynamics you share with others contain revealing information, especially when it comes to who you want to spend your life with and who you’re ready to part ways with. It may be time to make a powerful decision about your future; one that impacts you and whoever is closest to you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This new moon is touching on some sensitive and incredibly personal subjects for you, Libra. Taking place in your fourth house of domestic affairs and personal matters, this new moon is bringing everything that happens behind closed-doors to the surface. Prepare to dive deep into what the public may not be aware of, but your family and close relatives are deeply involved with. If you don’t have a home of your own or a corner of the world that feels warm to you, this new moon will inspire you to nurture a safe space that makes you feel welcomed after a long day in the outside world. This is a beautiful time to visit family, clean your apartment, or even look for a new place to live. It could also lead to some disagreements, especially if longstanding conflicts remain unresolved. More than anything, this new moon wants you to work on stabilizing and strengthening your home base. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This new moon is all about you, Capricorn. And as it brings power to your first house of the self, you may feel inspired to step into your true identity and strengthen your sense of independence and authority over your own life. Get ready to look at yourself in the mirror and see something totally brand new, especially if there are parts of yourself you’ve been ignoring or repressing for the sake of “fitting in”. If you want to harness this energy for your own benefit, do something that represents the way your identity is changing and evolving, especially if too many people have been telling you who you are or who you’re supposed to be. And while you may want to be able to keep everyone happy, it should never come at the cost of your own happiness. The fact that you’ve changed is a good thing; it means you’ve taken some bold steps, spoken honestly, stood up for something you believe in. Let this new moon lead you toward who you’re meant to become, even if you have to make sacrifices in order to get there. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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