Your January Horoscope Is Here

We started this month with a jetpack strapped to our backs — and if Mars moving into Aries wasn’t the fuel, then the new moon in Capricorn on the 5th surely was. Not sure what we’re talking about? Allow this monthly horoscope to explain.

The year kicked off with inspiration and anticipation in equal measure, but there are forces that will seek to dampen our passions this January. The full moon in Leo and a total lunar eclipse over the 20th and 21st, ask us to prove our mettle in the face of potentially immense changes. Eclipses often serve as the catalysts for new things in our lives, but they tend to ask for something in return. Some of us may need to guard our hearts during this period — others, our wallets.

Amid the myriad challenges that await us this month hide opportunities to learn, grow, and, yes, even reward ourselves for weathering the storm. In this January 2019 horoscope, we’ll tell you what that means for you, and every sign of the Zodiac.

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You are a force to be reckoned with this month, Aries — more so than usual. Not only are you hosting your ruling planet, Mars, in your sign all January long, but you’re feeling the effects of Uranus direct in your first house as of the 6th. Where the former imbues you with a secure sense of self and your passions, the latter makes you crave your independence more intensely as usual. Chase your impulses while you can and try not to leave too much damage in your wake.

Keep that desire for greater freedom in mind when the lunar eclipse and full moon ignite your sense of creativity, romance, and pleasure. You may be at a crossroads with a lover or you might be dealing with a mental block in your work; something is going to have to give when the moon undergoes its eclipse. Can you ease up and find a new direction? Is there a sacrifice that’s been begging to be made?

Mercury will soften your all-about-me attitude when it moves into your house of collaboration on the 25th. Even if you have no interest in collaborating, share your thoughts and ideas with others before charging horns-first into your next endeavor — their input may surprise you.

A quiet start to the new year was within your reach, Taurus, but then Mars, planet of action and conflict, slid into your introspective 12th house on New Year’s Eve, whipping your inner self into a frenzy. Feelings of restlessness, creative unrest, and dissatisfaction with one’s spiritual side tend to follow when Mars camps out in this part of the chart. You’d much rather focus on what you can see and feel here on Earth, but this month you’ll feel the need to put your subconscious self at ease first.

Unfortunately for you, the steady and ever-cautious Bull, your outer world won’t be any calmer this month. You’re immensely protective when it comes to your family and home life, but those are the very things that will be under the total lunar eclipse’s transformative influence on the 20th. Resist the urge to, well, resist and watch for clues that may indicate how you ought to respond instead. You can be as stubborn as you are dutiful, but now is not the time to cling to old modes of living just because they’re comfortable. This eclipse very well may shake your foundation, but you’ll be stronger — and more eager to move forward — if you pause to learn from it.

Your mind is a whirring machine, Gemini, but this month the cosmos may lodge a wrench in your system. The lunar eclipse on the 20th (and the full moon right after on the 21st) will target your treasured communication sector, bogging you down with a glut of ideas and tasks. Although you’d normally welcome a flurry of information, chatty and cerebral sign that you are, your challenge will be to cut through the noise — in your mind and in your friend groups — to hear what’s most important.

Seeking mental clarity during the eclipse will prove especially helpful for the next 30 days. The sun moves into your ninth house on the same day as the eclipse, acting as a spark plug for your intellectual curiosity and kicking off Aquarius’ solar season. You’ll be well served to chase your lofty desire to understand something fully, be it a person, subject, or place during this period. Aquarius season asks you to broaden your horizons and give into your natural tendency to follow your whims wherever they may take you. Starting this journey with a clear-eyed perspective will be crucial.

January is always your time to learn and, perhaps less excitingly, come to task, dear Crab. The sun is posted up in Capricorn until the 20th, highlighting all the areas in which the sign of the Goat excels — which just so happen to be the areas you tend to shy away from. Capricorn is your astrological foil for a reason, Cancer. The two of you complete each other in both your strengths and shortcomings. What traits associated with this steadfast, ambitious earth sign do you wish to see more of in yourself this year?

The lunar eclipse on the 20th will call on you to inspect your relationship with your money — and your relationship with those who share your finances. Yes, you are the rare sign who must guard their heart and their wallet during this powerful lunar event, Cancer. You may need to change how you distribute your resources — and that change will likely have to stick for a while. Eclipses are like the final page in a chapter of a book: There’s a sense of finality, but also a promise of something else to follow. You may face a difficult decision around where your money goes and who gets to know, but in doing so you’ll turn the page to find a new chapter.

You begin January right where you belong, Leo: in the spotlight. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moved into your fifth house of pleasure on January 7 and will stay there for the rest of the month. If the words “love,” “beauty,” and “pleasure” didn’t tip you off, this will be a highly productive period for your romantic life, regardless of relationship status. You’ll feel positively lit from within and ready to spread that energy around. Flirt freely, play with your appearance, and take your date somewhere neither of you have ever visited.

January’s lunar eclipse and full moon will target your sense of self and identity. The average Leo already has self-presentation on the brain most of the time, but during this period it’ll be all you can focus on. How do you draw attention to yourself? What sort of attention are you hoping to attract? And is that different from what you actually end up getting? This eclipse could set off a bit of a reinvention tour for you, Leo, but if there ever was sign up to the task, it’s your radiant self.

You’re considered the selfless fixer of the Zodiac, Virgo, and you normally play that role with aplomb, addressing tangible tasks and the needs of others with precision and ease. But this month, you’ll feel compelled to expand your inner life before helping those around you. Mercury entered Capricorn, your fellow earth sign, on January 4 and ever since, your creative side has been calling out for a little love and care. Before your ruling planet moves on to Aquarius on the 24th, spend some time reflecting on what not only satisfies you but makes you feel more embodied and fulfilled — what pursuits bring you pure and total pleasure?

Cultivating some creative energy will come in handy on the 20th and 21st, when the lunar eclipse and full moon occur in your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious thoughts. This house is closely associated with conclusions and culminating energies, and it just so happens that eclipses similarly signal the end or loss of something that you once considered constant. Get a little abstract during this period and feel out what, be it a habit, project, or set of beliefs, you may need to leave behind in order to move forward into a more productive year than 2018.

This will sound redundant for most sociable Libras, but this month you’ll be wise to pay attention to the circles you run in. Venus kicked things off on January 7 when it moved into your third house, reminding you of your diplomatic side. It’s one of the most charming and difficult traits associated with your sign, Libra, as this tendency toward total fairness makes you a great mediator but can alienate anyone seeking your personal opinion. As long as Venus is camped out here, it will try to show you that it’s okay to be a collaborator and friend first, and a peacekeeper second.

The lunar eclipse on the 20th and the full moon on the 21st will urge your further down this line of reflection as both events will highlight the teams, communities, and partnerships in your life. The dynamics that seemingly govern your social groups may shift dramatically or you may reevaluate the importance of a certain friendship. Pay attention to how you relate to others during this period and make changes accordingly. After the 21st, you might feel like you need some time to yourself and you should feel free to make the uncharacteristic choice to RSVP “no” for once.

Your January is running hot and cold, Scorpio. It will be hard to know what, exactly, the skies are trying to teach you. On one hand, Venus is keeping a close eye on your wallet from January 7 onward, nudging you to splurge on whatever shiny (and totally frivolous) item you’ve been eyeing. You’re usually attracted to the murky unknown, but the planet of beauty and love will slap a pair of rose-tinted glasses on you this month — don’t be surprised if you’re drawn, instead, to whatever is easy and pretty.

But beware of leaning too hard into this Venusian influence, as the lunar eclipse on the 20th will target your career sector. Whether this celestial catalyst for change brings about a positive or negative development in your workplace, it never hurts to have a little extra in the bank when something goes down at the office. As you continue to sail across January’s churning seas, focus on the distant shore you hope to reach by the end of the month — and let that destination determine your priorities.

Your inner and outer life will both end January with a new coat of paint, Sagittarius, if you pay attention to the stars. Since Monday, January 7, your sign has been playing host to Venus. If you resolved to be even more of a charmer in the new year, here’s your chance. Easy-breezy flirting, and giving yourself plenty of “you” time will be rewarded during Venus’ stay. You could end up with a new look that feels more authentically “you” or a renewed sense of your romantic values — just make sure you’re showing those around you some love, too.

Even as your world takes on a rosier glow, you’ll feel called to higher purpose, especially on the 20th, when the first lunar eclipse of 2019 occurs in your expansive ninth house of adventurous intellect. Every Archer has a bit of an Indiana Jones in them — a scholar and an explorer — and this celestial event will ask that part of you, where to next? The time to take on a new area of study or flit off to a distant locale could be on the horizon, but first you must determine what you want to learn from the experience.

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Where others shy away from the cold and dark of January, you find it downright invigorating, Capricorn. It’s your chance to kickstart your work and projects for the year to come — and it doesn’t hurt that the sun is posted up in your sign for most of the month, keeping you nice and warm. Adding to your sense of motivation is messenger planet Mercury, which has been right behind the sun in your sign since January 4. Together, the sun and Mercury will help your thoughts and words flow freely. Ready to speak your mind, Cap?

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You’ll get to bask in the glow of your solar season until the 20th, when the sun will move into Aquarius. As it happens, the moon will undergo its first total eclipse of the year on the same day, in your house of sex, death, and rebirth. In other words, you won’t miss it when the time to bask comes to a sudden end. This lunar event may bring some Big Questions to mind, especially around where you find comfort and security (in both the financial and figurative sense) — and how, if there is none to be found, you can cultivate it within yourself.

You may be even less of a joiner than usual this month, rebellious Aquarius — not that you’ll mind the extra peace and quiet. Mercury joined the sun in your introspective 12th house earlier this month, turning your thoughts inward and likely toward the last 12 months. What sort of year was 2018 for you? What do you wish to bring with you into 2019 and, perhaps more importantly, what should you leave behind?

The time to turn outward will arrive on the 20th, when the sun scoots into your sign for the next 30 days. Happy solar season, Water Bearer! This is the time of year when everyone else wants to celebrate (if not downright emulate) your innovative and quirky traits. Go ahead and soak it in, but don’t launch into full party mode until after the lunar eclipse on that same day, which will target your personal relationships. You might not realize which bonds you rely upon most until something changes to make them unavailable to you. Make time to strengthen the partnerships that matter to you — and be prepared to make sacrifices in order to sustain them.

Pisces, the stars would like you to start 2019 by breaking free from your sign’s softy stereotype and being aggressive instead. Don’t worry, you’ll get some celestial support from Mars, which is in your second house all month, urging you to defend what’s yours, and go after what you want. From this position, the red planet will ensure that you’re reaching your earning potential and treating yourself at the same time. Just don’t let your treating outpace your earning.

Speaking of defending your values, the lunar eclipse and full moon over the 20th and 21st will hit you in your sector of health and work. The way you care for yourself and those around you will come under serious scrutiny. Will you stand up for the way things are or will you realize that something about your approach to duty and caregiving needs to change? Knowing your charitable sign, Pisces, you may finally notice where in your life you deserve to be receiving much more than you currently are. This is an intense place to host these powerful lunar events, Pisces, so consider if the aggressive approach will work here or if you’re better off processing your discoveries in private before sharing them out loud. Which will ensure long-term changes that benefit you, your health, and your ability to get stuff done?

For a wide-lens look at the year, make sure you read your 2019 yearly horoscope, here.